Dec 07, 2007 17:11
It's been sleeting and snowing off an on all day. And it snowed most of Wed. Can you believe it's december in maryland and it's snowed twice in one week, and me without my ice scraper. My hands were very cold yeasterday from trying to clean off my car.
I was gonna hang out tonight, but now I think I won't. M finals on Mon, along with the manuscript so I got a lot of stuff to do this weekend. So not really time for hangingout and drinking. But's thats ok I did that all last night.
Anyway it'll give me a chance to watch SGA again. Which is as you know just amazing. I was really worried about stuff mentioned before this season started. I seriously think I had a nightmare where Sheppard and Teyla got together and then I had great fears about Carter. And seriously I love both of the characters, but any sexual chemistry died after the pilot episode. Anyway, all that was to say I've been very pleasnalty suprised by this season. But I love dark stuff and seriously I don't think there's been one of those light goofy hunkydorry episodes this season. if there are I deleted them from my memory.
But seriously as I fangirl I love this season (John, Doppleganger) and all that jazz. But honestly this is the season that is reaching out to the writer/artist/actor in me. I like the broader range of acting being pushed onto the characters Joe in Doppleganger (the only time we really see John as a psychopath, whatever people are saying after Miller's Crossing), Jason in Reunion, rachel in Missing. And they'be been world/character building (We now know John really does have tech abilities along with math). But oh my they've been dark. Teyla kills in not quite cold blood, and for a logical reason, but still very vengence, which I like and a part of Teyla we've never seen before. John in Miller's Crossing, still logical and in character, but ohh darker then we've normally seen.
It's becoming a show where I'm really much more interested in. Like at first I watched it because it was mindless entertainment and Rodney was cool. But now more of the characters are getting dynamic. There's at least minor continuity between episodes (John's nightmare is Rodney dying and then what does Rodney ask Johnt o let him do?). Seriously the first 3 seasons were all Rodney love and oh there are pretty people in the show too. And I loved John in fanfic, where people exposed an interesting messed up person, (I really love the fuck ups hi Snape and Draco), but on the show it was really oh he's pretty. This season its different. I think my fave is Sheppard now, which is just so not what I expected but wonderful. Now I have two deeply fucked up boys to pet. Though honestly Rodney's getting more and more "normal" which way for personal growth but my interest in him has slid just a little.
Anyway, all school work is done after Monday. So it's just cleaning and packing and (god) finding a winter job. But there's home and seeing friends that I haven't seen in far too long also so overal YAY! Well afater Monday 5 pm anyway.