we at kindhuman are hosting a high tea for peace!
@ mulligans bar 630 east lake dr decatur ga
www.myspace.com/mulligansatl we will have an amazing array of guests `
*artists illustrating peace
* djs spin in between bands
* saturday from 2pm- 2am & sunday 2pm-midnight with an outdoor stage & inside sensations....like inDependant film!
* poets artists musicians madmeN & other fantastic folks speaking up for peace, something we all need right this minute!
Our desire at kindhuman is to request $5 donation from those who attend, to be donated either to the fine folks at "world can't wait"
or another charity listed in the ranks of need reguarding this terrible war, should their view not be the same as the sane one world can't wait supports....
our question then, do you want to perform?
please contact me as soon as possible to let me know!
indie filmers, poets, artists are all welcome..
*musicians who like to improv are directed to contact amazing lizardo @
lizardos@mindspring.com *artists, submit one piece donated or not with the theme of peace~email marty (aka chesh) by 9/7(kindhuman2003atyahoo)
with label 411, install sat 9/9 @ NOON.
we can make anything happen, even Peace.
"overcome the devils with a thing called Love" ~ Bob Marley, 1975
anyone with further questions feel free to call tha chesh @
770-246-9304 or email me here
madlove from wonderland