:O I'm posting! CHECK IT OUT HOES!

Sep 23, 2005 08:45

Whatup all, long time no post. Well I decided to post today because I have nothing better to do. *cough don't wanna design enemies for my game right now cough*. This semester I'll be working on a 2D Platforming/Puzzle/Adventure game in which you control 2 characters. Who are these characters you ask? Well I'll tell you. Hamburger Boy and McNugg. Thats right, you must defend the world from a vegetable invasion and use gadgets such as the mustard gun, french fry whip and some other gadget that I can't remember right now in order to complete puzzles and destroy vegetables. It will have 3 levels and I'm the technical director (expect the game to not get programmed... I mean *cough*... be awesome... with lots of graphics and physics and stuff... *cough*).

Anyways, I found out my room mate Matt was in a Ska band. They were pretty good. He played guitar and was a backup singer. Good times eh? I'm also in a $3,400 tournament with my Unreal Tournament clan... we're doing decently but we got put up against the best clan in the ladder for our next match so we may not win the mulah. Drop me an email at jsturm@digipen.edu if you want. Spam/Chain mail -> YOU INSTA-DIE! :o if you don't repeat this to 5 people that will possibly email me within the next 5 minutes your mother INSTA-DIES!

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