Jul 24, 2005 20:39
caitlin and i got out APARTMENT! woooo~ after a stressful weekend...we finally settled on an apt. the address is kidna funny 420 Surf street. heh.
so it was quite an adventure. i had in mind that the Chicago Apartment Finders would lead us to our perfect apt...oh how we were wrong. First place he takes us is a mess. one bedroom has stacks of porn and there is crap everywhere. i flip on the lightswitch to the second bathroom and i see a couple cats scurry about and i look to the bed and i gasp out loud. then caitlin looks. we back out slowly. there was a girl sprawled out on the bed sleeping. i thought she was dead. (i keep thinking of that scene in Super Troopers where they find the dead chick in the trailer.) caitlin and i coulnd't stop laughing about it for the next 10minutes. it was just awkwardness. anyway, we get out of that place fast and since our finder guy thought we'd only be a minute in there he left his car unlocked. uh huh. yeah in the 5min we were gone...he got his briefcase stolen outta his car. so that included ALL keys and ALL addresses of ALL the apts. he was gonna show us. quite a smart fellow. so we figure he, ya know, lost his job after that.
we end up trying 2more apt.finding services and they sucked. we decided the only way we'd find something is walking around the neighborhoods we'd want to live in and call every number on every For Rent sign we saw. turned out our top fav.apts. were ones we found on our own. in total we had been walking the whole day for about 12hrs. eh. legs. still sore.
we revisit our top favorites on saturday morning. we decided on a kinda small apt. that has a nice view, awesome rooftop deck!, hardwood floors, keys to a fitness center next door, in a really awesome location w/shops/cafes right nearby. i'm very excited to move in and decorate. wee~
oh. and the apartment building allows kitties.
caitlin suggested a new book to me, The Roots of Desire. heh. its' all about the history/stereotypes of redheads. did you know we're less than 4% of the world? and someday we'll go extinct?! we apparently make the best waitresses. aristotle thought redheads were emotionally unhousebroken. *Stereotypes: fiery, unstable, hot-tempered, highly sexed, evil, deceitful, beautiful, dangerous...
what's your take on redheads?