I know i haven't updated this thing in awhile. it makes me sad. so...this past week we moved into script work in acting. last monday i presented my monologue and i fucked it up by not memorizing it well. i redid it on friday and it was betta.
friday night caitlin and i shopped at the lovely dominicks. we picked out like 3different kinds of apples, caramel dip (orgasm), pineapple, and popcorn. we hit up blockbuster and rented a documentary on the reefer. why? i dont' know. but it was interesting. and entertaining. then lauren joined us to watch Secretary. caitlin had never seen it before. she thought it was hot/sweet/beautiful...which it is.
saturday got some eats at chipotle w/robo,kelly,and kelly's b/f. caitlin and i got together and watched Reality Bites. Ethan Hawke. mmm. Hit up the gym w/robin. Pregamed w/lauren and caitlin for the "Dress Up Party" in sam's room. The dress up party was ok. we were some of the first to get there around midnight. there ended up being a max of 25ish people. so eh. but hey, free beer. blake was jess, caitlin, and myself's D.W. (designated walker). we walked from the steppenwolf to clarke's. dear lord. the longest walk of my life. i ended up taking off my shoes and my feet were black and blistered when i got home. ew.
today i went to the lake michigan beach. long ass walk. i'm sore from the gym last night. ick. but it was a lovely afternoon.
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