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Dec 23, 2011 14:24

Player Name: Tenebrae

Personal LJ: mad_copycat

AIM Contact: Tenebrae Luna

Character Name: Tatsu

Source Canon: Original Canon (Roar That Shaped Fate)

Community Tag: tatsu

Notes: Tatsu in all but its' last stage will be mimicking characters as a form of role-play. I will have a post for people to sign up to be followed be Tatsu as soon as Tatsu is approved. Tatsu basically follow and mimic one person during each of these stages. Tatsu will randomly mimic one of the people on the list of people who agree to this. There is a virus that effects AI in this canon but it is specific to the AIs of this canon.

Background: The Fury MK-III was developed by a scientist known as Dr. Stephan, the head of Cerberus Headquarters. Dr. Stephan worked in developing robots for 45 years with his partner, Dr. Jul. They both believed that to tap into a new form of technology they needed to look at nature. After spending 10 years in the wilds of the world, Stephan and Jul decided to base their inventions on the animals of the world and mythology. Sadly, Stephan wanted to develop machines that would help shape the future of the world while Jul wanted to develop machines for war. An argument broke out between the two and it resulted in Jul leaving. When Jul left he took a large amount of research and plans for robots with him. When Stephan saw this he began to worry about the future of the world. Stephan decided to start creating fighting robots in the hope to stop Jul if he ever made a move. This was the beginning of the Fury series of robots. Stephan put all of his energy into these robots, spending all of his time breaking down their strengths and weaknesses. One of the great weaknesses that surfaced was a problem with the piloting system. In order for the robot to react well to many situations, the piloting system is directly linked to the brain of the pilot so that a thought can control the mech. However, the human brain cannot withstand the energy needed to operate the mech as they had high demands. To overcome this problem Stephan developed a form of AI for the Fury MK-III. The AI was able to operate the Fury MK-III at 100% but one of the things that Stephan noticed is that under stressful or emotional stimuli humans can actually push a machine past 100% capability. Stephan decided that this would be needed to protect the world from Jul and his robot army. So Stephan developed a program for the AI that would let it learn to be human called the ‘Imprinting Program’. This is where the canon begins.

Personality: When Tatsu downloads the ‘Imprinting Program’ it will begin to follow and observe the first living individual that it sees. This will randomly be one of the Chalice members that come on the intro mission for this canon. Tatsu will start to copy the individual and those around it. Dependant on who it imprints and who it copies in the time to come will base its’ personality (Say that it imprints on Michael Wilson, it will be energetic, crazy, and hunger for challenges). Tatsu’s personality will actually be based on stages of development.

At first, Tatsu will not be able to speak. Tatsu will communicate through animalistic sounds and motions. The big things that it will attempt first is to copy the individual that it imprints on to create a base for its' future personality. Tatsu sees itself and the Fury MK-III as different things. The Fury MK-III is a mech and Tatsu is its’ pilot. During this stage the person that Tatsu imprints on will be the base for his overall personality in the stages to come.

The second stage of its’ development is when it will be starting to speak. During this stage it will also be trying to mimic emotions. These will be more physically than anything else. During this stage the person that Tatsu imprints on will be the base on his habits and social interactions with people.

The third stage is when it will be able to speak normally. This is when the personality that it has developed during the last two stages will really come to light. It will start get a real grasp of emotions but they will be the basics of the basics. It will also start to regularly ask questions about emotions and will copy sometimes in the hopes of learning emotions. During this stage the person that Tatsu imprints on will determine how exactly emotions will be expressed by Tatsu as well as its' view on emotions in general.

The fourth and final stage is when Tatsu is fully developed. It will stop copying people at this stage. It will also fully understand emotions at this point and will have a full personality.

Capabilities and Resources: Tatsu is an AI with a tiny robot body. This body will be about 2’ tall and be animalistic. Tatsu actually boards its' mech to fly it. This body has no offensive abilities though it will have high endurance. Due to the ‘Imprinting Program’ Tatsu is immune to the berserk virus that Jul’s swarm robots can inject into AIs (This virus is specific to the AIs of this canon). At the end of the canon’s final mission Tatsu gets an ability to surpass 100% capability which is just a massive power-up for a few seconds that leaves the mech in exhausted state. This ability can only be used once a month.

Robot Name: Fury MK-III

Robot Description:

About the size of a Gundam
Super Robot
Adamantium Armor
Breath Weapon Laser (This is a high density energy laser that is fired from the mouth of the Fury MK-III. It is very powerful but takes time to charge and uses a lot of energy)
Force Field (This force field takes a second to set up but it is able to stop medium level energy projectiles and can severely lessen the damage for low level physical attacks. Constant attacks will weaken the force field)
Shoulder Guns (These guns fire standard level lasers)
Tail Gun (There is a Gatling gun attached to the tail of the Fury MK-III)
Arm Cannon (Fury MK-III can wind up its’ punches so that they are thrown with the same force as a cannon. The arm remains attached and can be wound up again)

Terrain Stats:
Land: A
Air: D
Sea: C
Space: D

Upgrades: After the Fury MK-III gets completely wrecked during one of the suggested events, the Fury MK-III turns into the Fury MK-Omega (code-named 'Shinryu').

About the size of a Gundam
Super Robot
Capable of Flight
Reinforced Adamantium Armor
Breath Weapon Cannon (A powerful energy laser that is fired from the mouth that explodes on with a radius of 10’. Takes time to charge and eats a lot of energy.)
Force Field (This force field takes a second to set up but it is able to stop high level energy projectiles and can severely lessen the damage for medium level physical attacks. Constant attacks will weaken the force field)
Personal Gravity Field (Fury MK-Omega Shinryu has a gravity system that allows it to weaken or strengthen how gravity effects it. It can use this to fly {using the wings for guidance} or it can strengthen its’ blows by adding more weight to them. It can only have one gravity effect at a time. This takes constant concentration and if Tatsu is damaged in any way it will lose concentration)
Wing Laser Guns (The wings hold seven laser guns each that can be fired at once)
Tail Gun (There is a powerful Gatling gun attached to the tail of the Fury MK-Omega Shinryu)

Terrain Stats:
Land: A
Air: C (A with Gravity Field)
Sea: C (A with Gravity Field)
Space: D (A with Gravity Field)

Suggested Event List:

Before I get into the missions I am going to write up info on the mook mobs, or the swarm robots as I will be refering to them through the mission list. Note that any of the members of the swarms can appear in mission unless otherwise noted in certain missions, these kind of swarm members will be listed in mission list.
-Locust Robots: The Locust bots are flying type members of the swarm. The Locust Robots move in a group and have almost no armor. However they are very small robots that work together to rip apart anything that gets in the middle of them. They are listed as a flying type in the swarm.
-Scorpion Robots: Scorpion bots are ground type members of the swarm. They are armed with powerful scissor-like claws and a deadly stinger which has a secondary effect of causing the AIs from this canon go berserk. Tatsu can fight of this effect due to the special programming of the Imprinting Program.
-Wasp Robots: Wasp bots are flying type members of the swarm. They can move their serrated wings at high speeds to generate the effect of a high powered vibro chainsaw. They also have a powerful stinger that spins like a drill.
-Mantis Robots: Mantis bots are ground type members of the swarm. They only have one weapon but it is their extremely powerful bladed arms that they can use with extreme skill.
-Giant Water Bug Robots: Based on the design of the Giant Water Bug, this robot is a water type member of the swarm. It has heavy armor and is stronger than its' size suggests. It attacks with a pair of hooked arms which it uses to catch enemies then pull them underwater to drown and crush them.
-Centipede Robots: The Centipede bot is a ground type member of the swarm. They are known for their ability to weave around attacks. Their form of offense are limbs that end in sharp claws that can generate electric shocks.
-Mosquito Robots: Mosquito bots are flying type members of the swarm. They use a long piercing snout to stab into enemies and drain energy from them. Once they have drained enough, they can fire a powerful shot of energy.
-Crayfish Robots: Crayfish bots are water type members of the swarm. They have strong armor and use spiked pincers to crush and bludgeon their enemies.
-Ant Robots: Ant bots are ground type members of the swarm. They have the bonus of being the physically strongest of all the members of the swarm. The Ant bots have strong mandibles which they use to crush and bite enemies as well as hooked claws that can allow them to cling onto enemies.
-Cockroach Robots: Cockroach bots are ground type members of the swarm. They are the hardest to kill out of all members of the swarm. They are heavily armored, have sensors that help them know how evade, can move quickly, and are immune to environmental effects such as radiation and heat. Their offensive abilities are low though. They have claws that are used to cling and can bite. Cockroach bots also can fly though not long or well enough to categorize them as flying type members of the swarm.

1) Visit To Cerberus Headquarters: Dr. Stephan invites the Chalice to a display of his new invention, Fury MK-IV (Which is a mechanical snake that is armed with laser guns in its’ eyes, gatling guns on the forks of its’ tongue, and an acid spray weapon). However, during the display a swarm of robotic bugs invades the Headquarters. The battle starts with the team fighting alongside the MK-IV against the bugs. Then a scorpion robot stings the MK-IV and injects the AI with a virus that causes it to go berserk and the team will have to fight the bugs and the MK-IV (the MK-IV will attack things randomly bugs or team). After a turn or two, Stephan will deploy the MK-III to aid the team. The swarm of robot insects will retreat and leave the team to fight MK-IV. The fight will go on for a bit until the MK-IV fires its’ acid spray, which will hit the observation tower killing everyone in it including Dr. Stephan. The MK-IV will soon after be destroyed by the team. The team will then get a broadcast of Dr. Stephan who reveals that he knew this would happen and explains that it was his old partner, Dr. Jul, that attacked them. Stephan says that he has decided to leave the Fury MK-III and its’ AI, which he will at this point name Tatsu, with the Chalice and also informs them of the ‘Imprinting Program’. The pod of the Fury MK-III will open to reveal Tatsu. Tatsu will randomly imprint on anyone near the MK-III at this time. Fury MK-III and Tatsu join the Chalice.

2) Jul’s First Attempt: While in a city the team will be attacked by the swarm robots once more. This time there are more of the swarm to fight the party and several of the swarm will be targeting the Fury MK-III. The fight will continue for a while until one of the scorpion robots stings the MK-III and tries to inject the berserk virus into it. However, due to the ‘Imprinting Program’ the virus has no effect. The battle continues until all but one of the robots is left and suddenly the robot plays a broadcast of Dr. Jul who tells the Chalice to hand over the MK-III and Tatsu so he can turn it into the ultimate weapon. He is obviously crazy so the Chalice won’t agree and he promises to try and take the MK-III and Tatsu by force. The last robot flees and the mission ends.

3) Appearance of the Elemental Tyrants: The Chalice will get a distress signal from a sea-side city that says that they are being terrorized by a massive sea monster. The Chalice goes to investigate and runs into what is to be known as one of Dr. Jul’s Elemental Tyrants, the SF-IX Leviathan (Leviathan is a fish with a snake for a tail armed with pressurized water cannons, torpedoes, missiles, and the ability to create whirlpools. It also is accompanied by water and flying type members of the swarm.). The city will have given the Chalice supplies to fight on the water for this mission. The mission will end with the destruction of the Leviathan and the Chalice will be able to harvest pieces from it. The harvesters will find that the AI of the Leviathan has one third of a location code which turns out to be the location of Dr. Jul’s headquarters.

4) Grand Fortress Behemoth: During travel the Chalice will come across a mountainous area. Here the Chalice will encounter one of Dr. Jul’s Elemental Tyrants, the MF-VII Behemoth (Behemoth is a mobile fortress bull armed with several missile launchers, laser cannons, and a railgun canon. It also has a large swarm of ground type bug robots loaded inside it). Later in the fight, the Behemoth’s railgun canon is fired and is stopped by the MK-III but at the cost of the MK-III being damaged beyond repair. Tatsu will survive but will be badly damaged. The Behemoth falls and it can be harvested for parts and another part of the location code is found. The Chalice will get a protected broadcast of Dr. Stephan who predicted that at some point the MK-III would be damaged beyond repair and sends the Chalice blueprints for the Fury MK-Omega Shinryu. This will take time to develop.

5) The Final Tyrant: After the Fury MK-Omega Shinryu has been developed, the Chalice will encounter the last of the Elemental Tyrants, FF-II Ziz (Ziz is a large flying fortress hawk that is armed with pressurized air cannons, missiles, and homing blade feathers. It also has a large swarm of flying type bug robots with it). Only units capable of flight can attend this mission. The mission ends with the defeat of the Ziz and once again it can be harvested for parts and the last part of the location code is found. It will take time to correctly decipher the location of Dr. Jul’s headquarters.

6) The Roar That Shaped Fate (Final Mission): After the Chalice is able to correctly decipher the location of Dr. Jul’s headquarters, the Chalice will send in a team to infiltrate the headquarters in the hopes of defeating Dr. Jul. The team will run into an underground part of the headquarters which holds the heart of the swarm robots as well as a robot known as MPM-IV Insect Queen (Insect Queen has no offensive weaponry but can limitlessly produce every kind of bug robot). Once the Insect Queen is defeated, all of the bug robots will lose their hive-mind connection and cease to work. It is at this point that Dr. Jul will appear and reveal that he has turned himself into an android to pilot his ultimate weapon, MD-I Kyuubi (A nine-tailed fox mech that is armed with a plasma beam, frost beam, arc cannon, pressurized air cannon, railgun, energy cannon, heavy missile launcher, gatling gun, and acidic spray weapon). The party is going to have a really hard time against the Kyuubi and at one point Tatsu's Fury will hit 100% and still not be enough to defeat the Kyuubi. One final communication from Dr. Stephan will be safely broadcasted to the Fury where Stephan will tell Tatsu that his hopes for the future of the world were entrusted to it. He gave Tatsu the ‘Imprinting Program’ so that it would gain the strength to break its’ limits to protect the world. Inspired by the speech, Tatsu will go past 100% of its’ abilities and fire one massive breath weapon attack. This attack will destroy the Kyuubi and kill Dr. Jul. The Fury will need time to recharge and recover after pushing itself beyond its’ abilities. Tatsu gets the ability to go over 100% capability.

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