The joys of politics

Aug 23, 2012 11:33

So I picked up a free paper on campus this morning and one of the first things I read is John Key effectively saying that euthanaisa - illegal as it is, is happening in NZ hospitals. Only thing is, the examples he gives are related to palliative care, not euthanasia and its palliative care that is happening....that was the focus of a class earlier this week.
So...Joh Key's email address is frrely avalibale online
do I email him or will one of his people in Ministry of Health have passed him a memo already (knowing that if he knows he will ba asked about it, or is just curious, he can request information and have it within a matter of hours).

In other news, my Pharmacology test (200 level, 15 % of the paper) went pretty well (I just collected my paper). Apart from the fact that one off the questions was marked in a very NZQAish way - buzz words - it seems I failed the question (glad it was only 2 marks out of about 60) becase I didn't mention 'systemic circulation'...grrrr.

Ah well, time to move on - Two weeks holiday study leave/time to earn some money as the next six weeks invloves 5 hours class every monday (starting at 8) and tuesday-Thursday in placement - three weeks of normal working hours for Mental health and the tree weeks of shifts (an week of AMs, then one of PMs, then back to AMs). Looking through the orientation booklet today and it looks like I'll be taught to deal with surgical drains! (though I'm not entirely sure they happen where I'm headed!)

In the meantime essay due next Friday and a pharmacology assignment to sort during the break so that I can focus on care plans and other horrific placement paperwork (lat year the paperwork went exceptionally badly as the staff member dealling with us wasn't aware we hadn't really been told what we were meant to do....(she has since stopped teaching)

oh, and rowing is pretty full on, regatta late September, rowed this morning (actually coxed mostly) and circuits this afternoon, also gonna have to change coaches for the next month.....should be interesting :)

john key, uni, rowing, placement

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