(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 22:01

The other day I was sale-stickering some holiday cards and I found some Edward Gorey cards! I couldn't believe it! I wished I had found them when I was christmas card shopping instead of a week after I had bought some already.

I officially gave up on The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay until Summer rolls around again. I had a woman come through my line buying it and talking about how great it was (not that she was the first. That was Justin.). She said I just had to make it through the first 100 pages (which I hadn't) before it really took off.

In the mean time Vanessa has suggested Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger (author of one of my all-time favorite books, if not the favorite, Catcher in the Rye). It's considerably shorter. While reading it today I had two other people comment on how good it was. I do need to start working on my summer reading list. I want to actually compile one so that I don't forget any books.
For starters:
The Big Overeasy by Jasper Fforde
The Peoples' History of the United States of America by Howard Zinn
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Maus I & II by Art Speigleman
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Down and Out in Paris and Londay by George Orwell
1984 (re-reading) by George Orwell
Commitment by Dan Savage
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida
Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
House of Leaves Mark Z. Danielewski
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
9 Stories by JD Salinger
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction by JD Salinger

At this point if I read a book a week I still wouldn't get through all of them.

Annnnnnd you don't care about all that.

I picked up an extra shift on Thursday, which was awesome. Everyone has been fairly grumpy at work lately. Not grumpy, I guess, but they're complaining about how busy we are. I find that the times I'm most filled with the "Christmas Spirit" is when I'm working behind the registers, they're all full, someone is wrapping at the end, and the line still stretches back to the Religion section. Admittedly I wouldn't want to work in that situation all year long, but I love doing through December.
The other plus side is we have a lot more customers that don't frequent the store which means we get all the really dumb ones.
One lady, while holding a copy of Wicked asked "I'm looking for a book by the guy who wrote this. I don't know what his name is."
Granted, those can get more annoying than funny.
Man: I'm looking for a movie about Mr. Y
Me: Do you know what the movie is called?
Man: No. It's about Mr. Y. He was famous years ago for doing XXXXX.
Me: Ok, I'll see what I can find.
Me: I'm not seeing anything come up here
Man: Well I know it came out on the 13th. I got an email that told me so.
Me: Did the email give you the title?
Man: I don't know. I don't know if I even have the title. I'll have to research it on the internet and get back to you. But it's about Mr. Y who was famous for doing XXXXX. The email said it came out on the 13th.
Me: Well I'm not seeing it anywhere here.
Me: Ok, here, I found it. It's called ZZZZZ. It says it hasn't been published yet.
Man: It came out on the 13th.
Me: Well, we don't have it. Our system says it hasn't been published yet.
Man: Here, it's called ZZZZZ. It came out on the 13th.
Me: Yes, I see it's supposed to be out on the 13th but it looks like maybe it got released late. We don't have it. We can reserve a copy for you when it comes in.
Man: It came out on the 13th. The email said it was called ZZZZZ.
Me: Do you want me to reserve you a copy?
Man: No, I'll try to find more information about it. Thanks.

I cooked dinner for the family last night using Justin's recipe for Make Ahead Wraps. Corn, Rice, Tomatoes, Cheese, and Beans wrapped in a tortilla. They were really easy to make (I undercooked the rice and didn't add enough cumin. I'll get it right next time). They were still tastey, though! I want to get some cilantro for them next time. My dad really liked them. I was surprised. He just kept saying how good they were.

I had another one for lunch today. Yum!


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