Mar 21, 2007 14:47
ure its just as good. :)
I was born on a cold October day in 1988, at Victoria general hospital. To Robert and
Traci Priestley, with a sister named Alyssa one year older then me, I don’t remember
anything really from the first few years but as the years moved by my parents had four
more children all one to two years apart, I ended up with a family of six kids, three boys
and three girls, My mother was a nurse and my father in taxes and other things. When I
was pretty young from birth to about age twelve, most of my social time was spent with
family. Mainly my five siblings as the difference in our age wasn’t large, being second
oldest and oldest boy, I lead and decided the games we’d play. I would construct these
huge forts and things for us to play in and I would give them all certain jobs in construct-
ing it. In the winter we would build these massive, amazing snow forts in our back yard
that could fit five to seven people inside , all of us would be assigned tasks in completing
it, we would even have my brothers with two big laundry buckets out down the backline
filling them with snow because we had run out of snow in the backyard, and on the cold
days each of them would be given certain time zones to be outside working on it, I
watched my ideas come to life, So as me and my siblings spent most of our time together
I was close to them, then as I reached the end of elementary, I seemed to be spending a
lot more of my times with my friends from school, And as junior high started the
majority of my time was spent with my classmates during and after school.
Between the ages of twelve and fifteen I was enrolled in Churchill high school in
Fort Rouge. I was living in Fort Rouge since the third grade so it was my neighbourhood
With all my friends who I had known just as long, and had gone to elementary school
with. There was Matt Crawford, Kyle Mc corrister, and Jesse Lepine. In the first weeks
of grade seven we met a lot of other people who had from other schools, and we would eat lunch with them. As the school year had just started the weather was nice so at lunch
me and all these boys would go out walking. Churchill is right beside the red river so at
first we’d go down to the docks to eat, then we started moving farther , walking along
these bike trails that ran parallel to the river bank. These trails led us to this little forested
area that went along the river, so being that we were young boys we decided we would
build a fort out there. From that day forward everyone (about nine of us) would meet up
at lunch and all walk to the forest, we assigned people as leaders for different tasks, like
building leader, in charge of actual fort building, raft construction leader, in charge of
building a raft for the river, we also had stupid boyish things like defences leader in
charge of sharpening sticks for spears, building booby traps on the pathway leading to the
fort, making the fort less visible to passers by, and training all other members in battle.
We did this because we always thought someone might try to steal our fort, which is
always why we kept the fort a secret. We named the forest lynx forest. The building
leader was me, I found the best location in a semicircle of trees, and lead three people to
build this fort, it had a sturdy roof and a second room with a fire pit. That provided us
adequate shelter on the days it started raining. I also was second in charge of raft
production we, found this big shipping platform thing that was made of two by fours
nailed together it was long and had two layers so it became our base, then we took all
these chunks of Styrofoam that we had found and put them in-between the layers of wood
and held them there with dead tree limbs we found, the raft was worked ok, the raft
production leader James Kormininski took it on its first launch a few months after lynx
forest had begun, it floated ok with one person but it was unsteady and dangerous.
Everyone worked together, and on some days we would explore farther then our camp
we’d just continue along the trails in the forest, we went on many long walks we found
this huge tree that four of us together could not fit our arms around, so we named it tree
of the living, and a tree just as big later on but it was dead so we called it tree of the dead,
we also found this little section of man made bumps and ramps of dirt for people who
were biking there we also these big long trees that were lying beside each other that
someone had nailed about thirty smaller limbs across it looked almost like a giant tree
ladder, so we thought we needed it for our camp, so we decided on the way back to
school we would drop it off at camp. We first lifted the front end and the two strongest
boys held it while the other seven assembled on each side, we hoisted it on our shoulders
and preceded with the ten minute walk back to camp, I think it was an amazing little tribe
we built. But towards the last term of grade seven we one by one just stopped going out
at lunch and lynx forest was gone.The same group of us still hung out everyday at lunch but we started doing other things, in grade eight one day we found a way into the subbasement of the school,
through this door in the basement. So every day at lunch we would all go down and run
around exploring it, the floor was mud and so were the greater part of the walls, the roof
was cement with light bulbs attached, the entire place was just these tunnels, we also later
divided into two teams in this game of war, but soon the ten of us started expanding our
armies on each side, until half the people in grade 8 had joined sides and the war got
more real every day, everyone took it more and more seriously teams sharpened long
sticks into spears and actually beat each other up it was fun as long as you stayed
unharmed but there were bloody noses every day after the kids returned from
lunch/battle I was beaten down once in a confrontation of the armies, and in drama class that afternoon I was apologized to by the ambassador of the other side because that day
there was to be no fighting just talking. . It lasted about a month until my team lost
followers and was defeated.
In grade 8 I also tried pot, but I did not get into it until I attended Massey in grade
ten I don’t wish to go to much into drugs but that aspect of my life has passed. And I am
happy to say I am no longer involved with it., at Massey I also met lots of people, it was
hard for me to get close to anyone though because most of them were well off kids of
white ridge and I grew up in ghetto fort rouge surrounded by the lower class and that
made me feel I was unexpected. But the girls grew on me and I became friends with
some, though I maintained and still to this day maintain a close relationship with my
childhood friends for I believe the boys of fort rouge made me who I am and for that I love fort rouge dearly,
there were two men who influenced my life a lot like a man named martin Weber.
My parents landlord and when I was fifteen he gave me my first job as coat check boy at
the Texas connection, a bar just a block from Massey, I was under age, so I was paid
under the counter, and received tips, months later he moved me into the bar itself, and I
became bar back and bus boy, and taught me to mix drinks and to run the dj booth when
the dj didn’t show up. The job also greatly helped me develop social abilities with adults
early on in my youth, he often left me to run the bar for short periods of time which
helped to teach me better problem solving skills, and to lead better and take charge. He is
a very rich old German man, he taught me a lot about running a business and maintaining
my character as respectful, he also at many instances provided me guidance in my life
decisions. I still work there occasionally but mainly I am employed at Boston pizza.
The second was my fathers father my English grandfather, he’s a farmer and getting older
so ever since I was ten I would go to the Priestley farm for several weeks every summer
and help him accomplish all that he needed to, the farm is a beautiful half mile outside
Teulon, Manitoba, and it was always a very peaceful quiet escape from the city, and from
drugs that I was caught up in, there was no TV, so I spent my time working and learning
trade skills, and my spare time walking through quiet untamed forests, looking up at the
stars that covered the clear country sky, even reading books and teaching myself to play
the piano and pool. I did more and more as I got older, he taught me all the fundamentals
of farming, I helped him to build long strips of fences, tear down old buildings, heard
cattle , cut and hull half tons of fire wood, build tables and other things, cut and polish
glass, drive, use all sorts of tools, play pool, and many other skills, and as he taught me
these things he would explain how everything worked in great detail, how to avoid
problems in the tasks very thoroughly so that I could fully understand what I was doing,
as I grew older too we talked more about his life and my fathers life, about things like
how he left home to work at 15 and his experiences with people and life, we would go on
long walks down country roads just talking, he was a trades man who worked with glass
And he helped me figure out who I was a lot.
congratulations if you read it all.
and post something if youve made it this far aight?