Jun 16, 2007 00:31
today i woke up and had nothing to day
im so used to waking up at 7 or 8 in the morning, doing h/w then going to class
but today, i didnt have class
and i woke up at 9...i felt like the whole day was wasted
but luckily it wasnt
i went and put gas in my truck
it was 70$
but im gettin 17mpg
then i came home and watched star wars 6
then i went to craigs and taylors apartment and me and craig worked on craigs blazer
i hurt my back and i had shit all over my shirt, arms and face
about my girl issue...
i think i found one...shes smart, and knows alot of the same useless facts i no
its really fun talking to her
we will see what happens with her
its late and im going to go to bed soon