Wow, San Diego Comicon went by fast. But what fun! Just so you know, I shall be in a movie! Tron! Yes! I'll be part of the crowd noise! Are you impressed? I know I am. :-D But more about that in another post. This one is dedicated to none other than the very fine Mr. Marsters, who not only showed up to sign autos and do photo ops, but was on the Caprica panel as well.
Walking out to wild cheering at said Caprica panel. Ballroom 20 is huge and was packed, so that must have been quite a sight for James. He should have recorded it on his cell, like so many actors are doing now.
He was asked the first question which was about his character Barnabus who's a religious terrorist. He said he (James) is personally in the middle of a non-violent revolution, which involves art, so he's writing songs and poetry. He based Barnabus on Timothy McVeigh, but could have based it on anyone of any religion who thinks they know everything. (Factoid: Timothy McVeigh was actually agnostic and didn't commit his terrorist acts for religious reasons.) He's sure there's even one stupid Buddhist out there. lol He said he was surprised by the love in the character, and was directed to play him as a loving Methodist priest, which is what his father was, so he based the character on his father, except his father doesn't blow people up. It's been YouTubed
here. And yes, those are the producers downing Tequila shots.
James says that Smallville (in which he'll be appearing again this coming season) is still on the air because Tom Welling moisturizes and still looks hot. Haha. He also said that the way he played Spike was inspired by the time he was kicked out of college and was hanging out with very bad people.
James' special way of saying hello. See, this is why I'm in this fandom. Little moments like this make all those hours standing in line worth it. :-D
Alessandra Torresani recording the event on her flip cam.
Magda Apanowicz (far right) came in late. Since she wants James to be the father of her babies, maybe it's good those two were separated. :-P
It took me a while to figure out why James would look off to the side a bit at times. He was looking at a monitor which was showing what was on the huge screens set up throughout Ballroom 20. So he's looking at whoever's talking on the panel.
This was actually a shot of one of the large screens. And he is looking at a monitor, so he was looking at himself and Sasha Roiz at this point.
Waving goodbye.
All right, so the next day James did autos and photo ops in the Exhibit Hall. HEEEEUUUUGE hall, just jam packed. If you enjoy being a sardine, this is the con for you! Trying to get shots of James at the auto table was a challenge, especially since there were people constantly saying "You have 1.2 seconds to take your photo, then move on." Mmmkay. So say that 140,000 people are walking between you and your intended photo subject, then you can see why 1.2 seconds is clearly not enough time.
Here I just got clever and stood in line to get an auto, even though I wasn't getting an auto at this point. That's Kevin Sorbo sitting next to James. The guy who got cut off on the end is on Warehouse 13, I believe, and was being interviewed.
Wow, an actual parting of the crowds, allowing me to take this one.
I came back later in the day to get my auto, and the ladies of Lightspeed Fine Art allowed me to get closer to get a few shots. Nice. :)
This was taken when I was in line to get my auto, and without looking up to see who was next, James just looked down and saw the set list I wanted signed.
So now I'm wondering why he looked surprised. Because he didn't expect to see a set list? Or maybe that particular set list? He looks up and sees me, and takes my hand in both of his.
James: Hello darling. How are you?
Me: I'm really good. How are you?
James: [Big smile] Much better now.
Me: I'm so glad.
James: I'm really sorry about how I was at the party.
Me: [Oh my. Another apology.] You don't need to apologize. You and I are cool.
James: [Smiles and nods. He starts to sign my set list (which is from the party.)]
Me: Are you OK with signing this? [I'm all prepared to say "Dude, toss it, it'll be therapeutic."]
James: Oh, I'm absolutely fine with it.
Me: [Time to change the subject.] That was a really fun panel yesterday.
James: It really went well. Caprica can be so ponderous so we wanted to keep it light and funny. As usual, I can't remember what I said.
Me: [laughs] You're always entertaining. And it'll be up on YouTube if you want to see what you said. [James hands me the signed set list, and without realizing it, I end up with his silver Sharpie in my hand too.]
James: You've got my Sharpie. Thief!
Me: [I laugh and hand it back to him.] Dude, you took my black Sharpie! [From after the She Stoops performance, when he was signing autos for everyone.]
James: [Busted. He looks around for a random black Sharpie he can give me, but there aren't any.] We'll have to get that to you.
Me: [We're both laughing.] I'll see you later.
And here's the signed set list. He got my name off my badge, and SPELLED IT WRONG. But actually, it makes me laugh that my Fucking Angry Set List has a fucking spelling mistake. :-D Also? Proof positive that James doesn't know my name. People in the know call me Becky. But it's not so bad that James doesn't know my name, because instead I get endearments like sweetheart and love. Not exactly a kick in the teeth, is it? :-D
A couple hours later I got a photo op. James shakes my hand and says, "Hello Becky, good to see you again." Proof positive that James remembers my name. But wait! lol What the frilly heck? My guess is that he doesn't remember my name, but must have heard Steve calling me Becky at the auto table before I left earlier in the day. So I'm going with that theory. The pic was taken and I tell James that I'll see him later (and by later, I actually meant the next day). He says, "I hope so." Turns out, I didn't get to see him again. When I came by the table the next day, he was already gone. Dammit, can't be in two places at once, can I? So the Castle (NATHAN!) and Glee panels won out. But according to his schedule, he was supposed to be there until the end. WHICH HE WASN'T. Miffed at the tragic nature of this scheduling misinformation! Oh, not really. I'll live. :-P
Really, he should have stayed and gone to the Buffy sing-along. It's become the traditional way to end Comicon. Ballroom 20, almost filled, and every time Spike comes on screen, the place erupts with cheers. He's totally the star of the show there. Poor Dawn is another matter.
So that's it for the Jamesy portion of the Comicon festivities! It was lovely seeing him again. He seems very happy and healthy and all that good stuff.
I've got all my James pics on my site
here. I hope you enjoy. :)