Sep 03, 2004 12:50
gabe and rose came over today and surprised me. i love gabe. he's dressed as superman and has his big red cape on and everything. he's a hero, you know.
i'm at rose's place now. i paid my rent for august. it wasn't much but it was more than enough to cover the utilities i used. i'm living with my brother, kevin, now, for those of you who haven't heard. it's good. shelli, his girlfriend, is the coolest ever. have you ever heard that song "redneck woman"? she wrote it, i'm sure. she's from kentucky and likes to go four-wheeling and she's funny and gorgeous and so very kind. she's the best. and damion and makenzie, my nephew and niece, are adorable. i love them. and they never make me babysit which is awesome.
i've got my job at the clinic, seven dollars an hour for cleaning up poo and blood. my last paycheck wasn't bad, but this one is going to kick ass. i love getting paid every two weeks. it makes me manage my money better and fools me into thinking that i get paid more than i did than at the restaraunt. kevin and shelli and the kids and i are getting ready to move, though. back to the Huffman Historical District. which is down third from the Oregon District just past Bomberger Park. that will be the shit seeing as i have all of downtown to look for a job in. all those restaraunts and stores to apply to! and i could get a morning job or a late night job and it would be perfect. it really would.
then i could start saving up for sinclair. i really think i want to be a psychiatrist. not to work with the extremely disturbed, just because i don't think i could handle having to medicate people. but with the severely dissatisfied. i want to help people not to feel so helpless. i think that that could make for a better world.
but for now my goal is to get a dentist appointment. and to stick my dad and his insurance with the bill before i turn 18. sounds like a plan.
i just got back from krogering with gabe and rose. i bought my food for the week. it's interesting to have my life without my parents, godparents, a curfew, school... i have finished my homeschooling. i just have to turn in my papers, and i'm done. i think i'll call barnes and ask for the address there. i need to look up my dental stuff too to find a dentist around here who will bill my insurance company... sounds like a plan. i don't have to work today because liz is working. i take the bus to work. i like not having to depend on anyone for much- earning my own way. and i know that i can do this. because i am invincible- i can do anything i want. and so can you.