First Post!

Mar 14, 2006 13:02

Well i've tried to start a journal about a hundred times and have never stuck to one. This time it should be a lot easier as i'm able to access this at work and i've always got a spare minute or two (especially in the mornings when i'm still trying to wake up!)

We've just had a long weekend here (public holiday Monday), mine was made even longer by having a migraine on Thursday and numerous Doctors Appointments on Friday. Getting into work this morning was indeed a struggle!

I am feeling really down about work. I have a great job and work with some really nice people but somedays I wish that I could stay at home and write and not worry about having to come here every day. I've been writing a little at work but because of the constant interruptions and the fact that I have to actually work at some stage too!

Meh it's lunchtime - i'm outta here!!
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