(no subject)

Dec 29, 2003 21:03

Today was a first for me. A woman hit on me. I was totally shocked. I have bi-sexual and lesbian friends. I'm not homophobic. I'm a dancer and I'm around gay men all the time. I guess I was just caught off-gaurd.
It was during my noon swing class. She joined with a male friend of hers and I just assumed they were a couple. After class she asked me if I had a few minutes to help her out. I said sure and she asked me for help on a specific turn she'd been having problems with. We worked on it for about 10 minutes but then I told her I needed to get going to another class down the hall. She asked me if I was seeing anyone, which was a pretty random question. I told her no and she asked me if I would be interested in letting her take me out to dinner sometime. Then she kind of brushed my hand and smiled at me, a move I pull on guys I like and I knew this was not a couple of female friends hanging out. What do you say to something like that? had no clue how to respond. I just told her I wasn't interested and left it at that. She said "Shame, you're beautiful." I was actually pretty flattered to be honest. It's nice to know not only guys think I'm sexy. ;) But I'm still not down for girl on girl action.
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