Uber Long Survey Gigga...

Oct 13, 2004 15:50

Okay... this survey is like WOAH sooo long... but I liek the questions and right now I'm avoiding doing so many other things by filling it out.. so here goes... (P.S. I totally stole this from Diana)

[ c u r r e n t ]

. current clothing: My second favorite jeans... My custom made "I love Nay" tee, with bow, and my old gray (sorta gray) hoodie cuz it's so damn cold in my house. . current mood: whiped out... from the SATs . current taste: My trident gum...

. current hair: All flipped out... and stylishly messy.. the way Diana loves it and Mrs. Hope thinks I look terrible... LOL

. current annoyance: My sister's loud ghetto music...

. current smell: Ummm.. nothing... but I do miss the way my boyfriend smells right now... (is that wierd?... Yes?... OH WELL)

. current thing you ought to be doing: Anything and everything.. I have soo much school shit that I just cannot bring myself to muster enough energy to do right now...

. current book: I just finished "Second helpings" but I need to read "The Catcher in the Rye" and "The Jungle"

. current refreshment: I'm actually quite thirsty and have no drink... :o( Once again.. too lazy

. current worry: That my report card will suck testicles... that all this missing sleep will seriously  f me up somehow...(staying up late partying... you know me)

. current crush: My wonderful, sweet, oh-SO-sexy naybear... tee hee... boyfriends do count right?

. current favorite celebrity: Ummm, Puff the Magic Dragon...

. current music: Wierd band I'm checking out called "The Dresden Dolls" I would reccomend them... if you're into CRAZY piano punk with insane/scary lyrics...(Girl anachronism isn't bad)

. current wish: That BHS would blow sky high (not like with people in it or anything... I just don't wanna go to school... ALTHOUGH... "Waldo does not have third degree burns!" (Hee hee Mandy)

. current lyric in your head: "Ooo Wee Ooo I look just like Buddy Holly... Ohh Ohh and you're Mary Tyler Moore"

. current makeup: The usual... Mascara and lip-gloss

. current undergarments: That wierd Tommy Hilfigure bra (yes me and Tommy Hilfigure who saw that coming (and I don't care if I'm miss spellign his name) and Sesamea Street undies

. current regret: Every moment I'm not being productive (I'm gonna regret this survey later)

. current desktop picture: Oh God, It's sooo Funny... It's like Sesame Street gone ghetto Bert has a budwiser and elmo is smoking and ernie's got a swich blade...It is HI-LARIOUS

. current disappointment: I don't get to see my Nay as often as I would like

. current amusement: That my Vitamin C tablet is 833% of my daily required value... Do I REALLY NEED eight hundren and thirty three percent?

. current love: My boyfriend, Kids, and Kittens... aww cute I know.. lol

. current obsession: DIY fashion... I always make like all my own jewery and stuff

. current avoidance: Making my parents Agnry in ANY way and any school work I can get out of

. current thing or things on your wall: My walls are Plastered every inch litterally covered by photos, posters, drawings and other thigns I like...

. current favorite book: The Bible (no kidding)

. current favorite movie: Little Shop Of horrors (i think)

[ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ]

. who are your best friends?: Diana, Mandy, Amy, Rachel G, Amy C, Angele, Kait, Kate, and Katie, Nathan, Jed, Josh, Shawn, Mike, Johnny, Greg, Lizzy, Lisa R, Lisa T, and Crissy, and the order does notr matter and if I forgot you don't take it personally...

. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Well, I do have a boyfriend, I don't know about a boyfriend slash girlfriend... I mean thats gotta be kinda wierd huh?? (Yeah I know that was really corney)

[ f a s h i o n s t u f f ]

. where is your favorite place to shop: Salvation Army, Good Will, or Khols... That's right all the typical teen shopping hot Spots...

. any tattoos or piercings: I used to have 20 holes in my ears but reduced it down to 5 and I SOOO want to pierce my tounge... But well, you know moms...

[ s p e c i f i c s ]

. do you do drugs?: Hell no

. are you a virgin ?: yup, till I'm 46 and a half... LOL... no not really but at least until my wedding night...

. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Gotta Love the Dove

. what are you most scared of?: Rejection.. but not like it's a big deal like i'm not mortified... God is my sufficiency and my buckler...

. who is the last person that called you?: Nay

. where do you want to get married?: Maybe outside would be nice... but basically where-ever Nathan wants is fine with me...

. how many buddies are online right now?: Sadly 18, But I did Like JUST get home from school...

. what would you change about yourself?: My skin, like all of it... Just get rid of it... or my insecurity or self doubt

[ f a v o r i t e s ]

. color: Red Violet Shade....(Don't ask)

. food: Either White rice, or pressed salad or CHOCOLATE...

. boys names: Nathan, Joseph, and Robert (I guess, i mean I never really thought about it before)

. girls names: Hope and Sophia (LoL, not really)

. subjects in school: LUNCH, or maybe The bus...

. animals: Kitties, Koalas, Pandas, and Sloths

. sport: Swimming and Diving

[ h a v e y o u e v e r ]

. given anyone a bath?: Do kids count cuz if so, I'm a veteran, and as far as group showers... I am ALSO a veteran... LOL

. smoked?: Yes, once, and I regret it... It's retarded, yucky, highly over-rated, and if it didn't look so "cool" no one would do it...

. bungee jumped?: not yet but it would be SOOO cool

. made yourself throw up?: no, but it does happen from time to time

. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, It would do No good, and I cry so much for real anyway I don't have time to fake cry lol...

. pictured your crush naked?: SIGH... Yes...

. lied: yes, everyone has...

. fallen for your best friend?: yes

. been rejected?: Yeah I guess.. well I dunno, nto that I can rember but I'm sure it has...

.rejected someone?: Uh-huh (although definitly not as much as I should (not to be mean but I have wound up dating way too many people I don't like just to be nice...)

. used someone?: Yeah, sadly...

.done something you regret?: of corse... we ALL have

[ l a s t p e r s o n ]

. you touched: myself... LOL.. just kidding I guess Alison (i poked her)

. hugged: Juice Boy

.you imed: Dear God I ahve NO IDEA it has been soo long since I really talked to soemone online...

. you yelled at: my Mom (and I regret it) I HATE YELLING SOO MUCH

[ a r e y o u ]

. understanding: I don't mean to boast.. btu actually, I'm VERY understanding

. open-minded: I think I am very but I know peopel who woudl disagree

. insecure: Yeah

. interesting: I think I am, I hope I am

. random: Most def yo' (lol)

. hungry: Well no, But can always eat.. which is bad...

. smart: When I REALLY try... but most of the time I just don't care

. moody: I try not to be... but sometimes yeah

. hard working: Yeah when I put my mind to it... I KICK so much ass

. organized: In certain aspects that I enjoy

. healthy: Latley more so than before

. shy: NO, not at all

. difficult: I really try not to be... and most of the time I succeed, but about certaion things...

. bored easily: Sometimes,,, AGH, Hello Second period, but to my credit it is DAMN near impossible NOT to die of boredom there

. messy: Sometimes... but I like it like that

. obsessed: no

[ o p p o s i t e s e x ]

. what do you notice first: Smile, then eyes

. last person you slow danced with: Uhhh, like probably becca, but last guy and like seriously... 2 years ago and Nathan...I'm not much of a dancer

. worst question to ask: Asking guys liek anything about your appearance NEVER ends well

. makes you laugh the most: Nathan, Mike, or maybe Adam, or Johnny I dunno

. makes you smile the most: NATHAN!!!

. who has a crush on you: My honey-Bunny

[ d o y o u e v e r ]

. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Yeah, I know this guy Dylan in Tennesee (spelled so badly) and I never get to talk to him... which sucks...

. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Yes, but just out of curiousity, c'mon I'd be cool to pee standing... lol

. wish you were younger: Well, i wish life was simpler like when I was younger, but mostly I wish I was older.. I guess I'm hoping life will be simpler then too...

. cried because someone said something to you?: Yeah, way too much

[ n u m b e r ]

. of times i have had my heart broken: I guess never reall...

. of hearts i have broken: Contrary to what people say to me, there's no way I've Actually broken anyone's heart

. of girls ive kissed: I don't Mack it up with the ladies... but friendly kisses of salutation.. more than i can think of...

. of guys ive kissed: Like the "boyfriend way" 4 but as friends just saying hello... Like a million

. of continents i have lived in: 1, unless you count that week long vacation as residency...

. of tight friends: About 6

. of cds i own: Like real ones, not burnt, and myself personalyl, probably about 40

[ f i n a l q u e s t i o n s ]

. do you like fillings these out?: Ah, geese NOT ANYMORE

. gold or silver: Silver

. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Hero (with Jet Lei)

. favorite cartoon/anime?: Still the Simpsons but South park and family are trailign close behind

. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: My Lunch

. who would you love being locked in a room with?: My boyfriend, or any of my riends, especially if it gets me out of school...

. could you live without your computer?: Yeah

. would you color your hair?: Yup, i have before, and I probably will again

. could you ever get off the computer?: Yup

. habla espanol? uhhh yeah... what she said (si, un poco)

. how many people are on your buddy list?: 172

I'm Finally done, THANK GOD!!!
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