Title: Infernal Debt, Fifteen: 4th Day
Author: Mel aka
mad_about_danGenre: Gen
Rating: PG-13, violence and cursing.
Timeline: Post-No rest for the wicked
Wordcount: 3298
Disclaimer: Nope, I do not own the boys or Supernatural. It belongs to the CW, WB and Eric Kripke.
Summary: It has been a month since Dean's death and Sam has had to find the stenght inside him to keep on fighting as Dean asked him to. So he finds himself on a quest against time to find Lilith and with her a way to bring his brother back to life.
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sweetgirl7808 Day 4
Dean’s hands were closed firmly around the steering wheel as he tried desperately to remain calmed. Ever since he had woken up that morning he wasn’t feeling quite like himself, way moodier and more agitated. He took a deep breath as he waited, anxious and impatient, desperate for doing something other than just sitting there with his arms crossed, what was he so eager for? That’s exactly the same question he had been asking to himself all morning. He looked through window of the Impala, they had stopped next to a small gas station in the middle of nowhere. Bobby was using the public telephone right outside the gas station since apparently his wasn’t working and he had insisted on using a public one instead of one of the boys’ cells, meanwhile Ruby interviewed the attendant of the gas station for any signs of demonic omens or weird activities.
“Sam, pass me the bottle” Dean said not even looking at his brother, more in an order than a request.
Sam opened the compartment on the dashboard and took out a small metallic bottle for the third time that day and passed it on to his brother as he examined him carefully.
Dean took a quick sip of the bottle and closed his eyes firmly.
“Isn’t it too early for drinking?” Sam looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.
“Its never too early, Sammy” Dean muttered as he pulled the bottle down and shook his head slightly, his eyes still closed.
“What the hell are you drinking anyways? You haven’t let go off that bottle ever since we left the motel” Sam said curious, looking at his brother’s reaction. Dean was an experienced drinker, not even scotch seemed to have this reaction on him, whatever he was drinking was strong.
“This?” He opened his eyes “Normal stuff”
“Oh really?” Sam said, quickly reaching out and taking the bottle off Dean’s hands.
“Hey!” Dean said quickly turning around and hitting Sam in the back of the head, causing his hair to flip forward.
But before Dean could do anything Sam had already smelled the content of the bottle. He frowned and then took a sip himself. Dean could swear his heart had just stopped beating as he stood there motionless staring at Sam’s reaction, he would never forgive him for not telling him what was actually happening but even when Sam was the chosen one or had a greater destiny ahead he was still Dean’s little brother, and there was no way on Earth he was going to be the one to put another weight on his shoulders, but still Dean knew Sam better than anyone, he wouldn’t see it that way. For a few seconds none of them said a thing.
“Water?” Sam said, his tone showing nothing but disbelief.
Dean could feel his own heart going back to its normal rhythm as he took the bottle from his brother.
“Water…” his tone was low first “Water! Of course!” he smiled almost not believing his own luck “I’m trying to keep in shape” Dean reassured as he looked away.
“Shape… right” Sam said, his eyes fixed on his brother “Are you ok?”
“Never better” Dean muttered in a low voice, avoiding Sam’s eyes.
Dean breathed deeply and quickly took another sip of the content of the bottle. He couldn’t help to close his eyes and mouth firmly. The sensation of the holly water running in his mouth, burning his throat and insides as it passed was almost unbearable, but on the other hand it was the only way to erase or at least calm down the monster lying inside of him.
. . .
The doors of the Impala opened with a loud screech as its passengers got out. The four of them stood still looking at what was in front of them.
“C’mon” Dean mumbled “A hunter lives here? This is more like little red riding hood’s summer shack”
The house in front of them was completely made of wood, and even though it had two floors it wasn’t big at all. It was painted in white and most of its details were in blue, it looked exactly like a fairy tale home except for the big rusted black truck outside.
“Don’t judge a book for its cover, kid” Bobby mumbled.
“Yeah, look at you, most people would say you can’t even spell your name” Ruby mocked.
Dean simply rolled his eyes; she had been impressively annoying ever since they had left the motel back in Texas even for her. Not taking on count the fact that she had repeated ‘This is stupid’, ‘we are wasting time’ and ‘you morons’ among other phrases he rather not remember endlessly on their way.
Around them the forest closed thick. Tall trees stood around stopping the light from getting to the lonely woods except for a couple of thin light beams that filtrated through small openings between the thick layers of leaves. Bobby began to walk towards the house, shotgun on hand; the other three followed him closely. He took a quick look through the window and then walked towards the door and knocked it softly. There was no answer. He threw a glance towards the other three and Dean walked forward immediately. He bent down quickly and stuck a wire and a paper clip inside the lock of the door, in barely seconds the door was open.
They were walking into a small entrance hall, with dusted furniture and an old red carpet, there were black and white pictures hanging from the walls and a wooden staircase at their right. As soon as the four of them walked in the front door slammed shut and the sound of a gun being loaded made them turn around.
“What the hell do you want here?” a rough voice roared “Get out of my property or I swear-”
“Jim?” Bobby’s voice was loud.
“Bobby?” the old man seemed unsure of whether to take the gun down or not.
“It’s ok, Jim, they are with me” Bobby said as he took a step forward, his voice sounded relieved.
The other man sighed as he put down the gun and half smiled. Both hunters remained silent simply staring at each other for a couple of seconds, then they walked forward and closed their arms around each other tightly. Jim was about Bobby’s age, maybe a little older, with short white hair and a mustache to match, narrow eyes and pale skin.
“It’s nice to see you again, brother” Jim mumbled.
Sam turned to look at Dean immediately and he could read his brother’s lips as he whispered ‘brother?’.
“Right back at you” Bobby said pulling away from the other hunter with a broad smile “Jim, these are John Winchester’s boys Dean and Sam” he pointed at both of the boys “and this is… Ruby” Bobby finally said, out of a suitable introduction that sounded better tan a redeemed demon. “Boys this is my brother, Jim”
“Your brother?” Sam smiled as his eyebrows raised, he extended his arm to shake hands with the old hunter “Nice to meet you, sir”
“It’s good to meet you, too” Jim said letting go of Sam’s hand and shaking Dean’s “Are they…?” his eyes moved to Bobby.
“Hunters” Bobby nodded “Jim, we need some help from you, we are just on our way to New York and ran out of bullets, you think you could-”
“Sure, just wait here, I’ll be back in a second” After saying this the old man walked through a door at the end of the corridor and disappeared.
“So” Dean half smiled “Your brother, huh?” he raised his eyebrows “You never mentioned you had one”
“I didn’t know I had to give you guys my complete biography” Bobby laughed, it was easy to see he was feeling quite happy “Anyways. We don’t talk too often” he shrugged “we kind of got away from each other several years ago”
“Why?” Sam said even before he realized “I mean… you seem to get along really well”
“I don’t know” he shrugged slightly “I mean we both got married and then after…” he stopped and looked away.
“Your wife” Dean whispered.
“I wasn’t the nicest person to be around” he nodded “He almost died when he realized what I had become”
“Wait… he isn’t a hunter? A civilian? Great!” Ruby said sarcastically.
“He is a hunter” Bobby said looking at Ruby coldly and then back at the brothers “But he hasn’t been for long. I was attacked a couple of years ago… that vampire was one evil son of a bitch” Bobby added, laughing “Thing is I wasn’t in the best of shapes, he kind of freaked out about what was out there and convince Joanne that it was safer for them to learn more about what was really in the dark”
“You know, I’ll just wait by the car” Ruby finally said “I don’t think I’ll be able to handle all this hugging and touching” she shook her head disgusted “I’ll be outside waiting” she emphasized those last words as she walked to the door and out of sight.
Dean and Sam looked at each other for a couple of seconds. Then Jim returned from the same door he had left.
“Follow me” he said, still holding the shotgun on his hand and walking to the middle of the living room.
The other three did as he said and followed him as he stood right in front of the rustic fireplace. He bent down and pulled up the small carpet in front of it revealing not only making the several layers of dust that covered the floors more clear but also a trap door on the floor. Jim quickly searched for a small opening between the old pieces of wood and pulled it up revealing a wooden set of steps.
“After you” The old man said, clearly proud of showing them his personal hideout.
Bobby quickly began to go down the dark opening with Dean and Sam following closely and finally Jim who closed the trap door behind him.
To their surprise the room wasn’t too dark; as they kept going down they found a pale light guiding their way. They were now standing in what seemed to be a basement, a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling and several dark shapes hard to distinguish in the middle of he shadows.
“Oh, excuse me” Jim said, as he walked towards a near wall and turn on one of the switches.
Immediately big lights joined the single light bulb and made Sam cover his face with his palm so that the sudden light wouldn’t hurt his eyes. The basement was really big, definitely bigger than the house itself, the front and biggest wall was completely covered with guns from floor to ceiling, from handguns to big shotguns ready to be used. At the left side shelves were filled with books of all sizes, meanwhile at the right there were tall wooden shelves with glass doors, containing all kinds of bottles and jars with rocks, dust, and sand among other materials. Dean’s jaw dropped, this was definitely the dream of any hunter.
“Joanne!” Bobby’s smile could be heard in his voice.
A woman around Bobby’s age stood up from a big table right in the center of the room and walked towards him.
“I haven’t seen you in ages!” she said happily.
“Dear, do you remember John Winchester?” Jim said quickly.
“Sure how could I-” she stopped herself in the middle of the sentence looking at the brothers “Don’t tell me”
“Those are Dean and Sam Winchester” Bobby said a slight note of pride in his voice.
“A pleasure to meet you, Mrs.” Dean shook the lady’s hand, followed by Sam.
“It’s all mine” she smiled “So what brings you around, Bobby?” she turned around to look at him.
“Well we are in the middle of a case… and in a hurry, without any munitions” He said taking a quick look around the room.
“As you an see that’s no trouble” Jim smiled “Take as many guns as you need”
“Thanks” Bobby said.
“So, what are you hunting?” Jim said as he led tem towards the opposite wall, from which all of the guns hung.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” Bobby said as he reach out and examined a nearby gun.
“C’mon, Bob” the man insisted “what is it? A vampire? a spirit?”
“A demon” Bobby muttered as he turned to look a his brother “many of them to be more precise”
Jim expression turned blank, it was hard to say whether if he had stopped breathing or was choking.
“Demons” Joanne said, from her husband’s side “But I thought they were…”
“Just stories” Bobby nodded “Yeah… well seems I wasn’t wrong when I told you guys about-” he made a brief pause; he clearly wasn’t comfortable even saying his dead wife’s name out loud.
“That’s imposible!” Jim finally muttered “I mean in all these years…”
“Actually it is” Bobby said going straight to the point “There used to be really few of them until recently… didn’t you guys hear anything about the Devil’s Gate being open in Wyoming?” he said surprised.
“Well” Jim looked at his wife “Robinson, and old friend of ours, came a couple of months ago and said something about that… but he was drunk”
“We thought it was just the alcohol speaking for him” Joanne said, her eyes widened both in surprise and fear.
“Well I suggest you put a damn phone line!” Bobby’s voice was louder now “I’ve called you a thousand times in the last 24 hours, not to mention all he calls in the past months, so unless you want the apocalypse to catch you unaware I suggest you began to communicate!”
“Apocalypse?” Jim said, while Joanne covered her mouth with her hand, “What do you mean? Some kind of demon got out of hell when the gate was open?”
“Not a demon-” Bobby said.
“Hundreds of them” Sam whispered “For all we know they could even be thousands”
Jim shook his head and looked down, clearly trying to realize what he had missed and to really analyze the gravity of the situation. After several seconds he looked up at his wife and then at his brother.
“What can we do?” He finally muttered.
“For now? Just give us some guns… maybe some holly water if you have any, or empty bottles and a rosary” Bobby said examining the shelves.
“Sure!” Jim said “Take all the guns you need” as he said the last words he look at the three of them.
Dean and Sam looked at each other briefly and then they walked towards the wall and began to examine the different lengths, weights and bullets of each of them. Dean took a shotgun hanging so high it almost touched the ceiling of the basement and examined it between his hands, it was light, its color wasn’t common, more silver like than other guns, it seemed like stainless steel. Suddenly he heard a loud thud coming from one of the sides of the room followed closely by a second thud, he looked up quickly and examined the room, there didn’t’ seem to be anything out of place and the others were still acting naturally. Then a third thud echoed, this time he was sure there was definitely something outside.
“Shhh” he whispered, gesturing the others to stop talking “Can’t you hear that?”
The other three stood still looking around, trying to find any trace of sound.
“There’s nothing” Sam shook his head.
Then the thud was heard once again, this time Dean also heard the sound of claws scratching wood and a loud howl. His eyes widened, there was no way he would misheard or not recognize that sound, his heart start racing as he felt his own murderers surround them.
“Hellhounds” Dean whispered and then ran towards Jim “We need rocksalt!”
“Hellhounds? Aren’t those…” Joanne looked over at Jim.
“Hell’s dogs” Jim’s voice was a whisper, he looked at Dean carefully, not sure if it was fear or madness that he saw in his eyes.
“Dean!” Sam said walking towards his brother “Hey, hey, calm down. You are being paranoiac… None of us hears anything” he took a deep breath as he looked for the right words “Maybe you’re kinda stressed, you need some rest…”
“Sam! Look at me! Do I look like I’m joking?” he muttered, despair clearly sensed in his agitated voice “There are hellhounds our there!”
“But how come we-”
“Hell! I don’t know!” Dean said, this time he was almost yelling “but believe me I am sure! It’s not hard to recognize the sound of the creature that killed you…”
Sam examined his brother’s eyes, desperation and horror could be seen all over his face, how could he know if Dean was right? Was it worth to take the risk and just think he was overreacting or was it better to take precautions?
“Sam” Dean said, his eyes pleading.
He stood silent for a couple of seconds.
“Where’s the rock salt” Sam finally muttered
He hesitated for a couple of seconds but after Bobby nodded at him Jim finally spoke “Down here” Jim said walking towards one of the shelves at the right, opening the glass doors and taking a big bag from one of the lowest racks.
“Great” Dean said walking over to where Jim was standing and grabbing the heavy bag on his hands.
“How about some paint or spray?” Sam said still making his best to hear any sound coming from outside.
“Actually I’m not too sure if we have any of that… but let’s check” Jim rushed towards the last one of the shelves with Sam following closely behind.
Meanwhile Dean walked toward the stairs from which they had come down and tried to make a circle around them.
“Boy, I really hope you are wrong about this one” Bobby mumbled as he bent down to make the circle more perfect.
“So do I, Bobby” Dean said in a rough voice as he kept tossing rock salt on the ground.
The growls coming from outside the room were now ceasing slowly, Dean stood straight trying to hear more clearly.
“What do you hear, kid?” Bobby said impatiently.
Dean remained silent for a couple of seconds, absent, too focused to notice anything else “Nothing” he finally whispered looking at Bobby.
How could this be happening? He had heard, and had no doubt about it, dogs howling, steps and thuds coming from outside.
“Are they gone?” Joanne said as she lowered the gun in her hand.
“Maybe they were never here” Jim said, a slight hint of hope in his voice.
“Wait” Dean muttered, he could suddenly feel a wave pass by him, just like it had two days ago, but could this be what he was actually imagining? “How many ways in and out of this room are they?” he said almost yelling.
“Well…” Joanne mumbled, her voice shaking ”There’s the trap door… other than that just a small window for air supply”
Dean’s eyes widened as he scanned the walls desperately and finally stopped as he noticed a small window, not bigger than three by three feet, right in the corner of the room almost at the level of the ceiling.
“Brace yourselves” Dean muttered putting his shotgun up.
“Brace yourselves?” Jim repeated.
“They aren’t leaving… just changed plans” Sam’s voice came from behind the others “They are coming in” as he said this Sam stepped from behind the others and stood next to his brother as he loaded a shotgun of his own.