Sep 24, 2006 22:28
Galatians 5:19-26
The wrong things the sinful self does are clear: being sexually unfaithful, not being pure,taking part in sexual sins, worshiping gods, doing witchcraft,hating, making trouble, being jealous, being angry, being selfish, making people angry wiht eachother, causing divisions among people, feeling envy, being drunk, having wild and wasteful parties, and doing other things like these. I warn you now as I warned you before, Those who do these things WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God. But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their own sinful selves. They have given up their old selfish feelings and the evil things they wanted to do. We get our new life from the Spirit, so we should follow the Spirit. We must not be proud or make trouble with each other of be jealous of each other.
This verse kinda jumped out at me today....I've noticed a few times that a lot of my friends who are living an unsaved life, flat out dont know what the Bible says, so they DONT EVEN KNOW THEY'RE DOING WRONG! And a lot of times at church you dont hear about some stuff because its kinda taboo, or they dont wanna make you angry or uncomfortable.....this is the nutshell version of what not to do. And looking at it, it seems that the world does pretty much all of those things. the verse also tells us that those are the things we have to give up when we are saved. Well, that is...if you want to go to Heaven....cause it CLEARLY says, that those who do these things WONT! Just FYI guys....