Long Day

Sep 30, 2006 23:05

So. . .story of my life:

I have tuberculosis. Well no. . .at least not confirmed.

So I have a scar on my left inner arm. It's from a cut when I was younger - probably when I was 5 or 6 maybe - kinda a blood test. Well, the nurse at the UCI Student Health Center on Wednesday gave me the TB skin test next to the scar, no problem with that. On Friday, a different nurse checks the area and starts feeling up the scar, rather than the area where the shot was given. She gets all concerned and I had to correct her about the scar. . .honestly, if I had tuberculosis, I wouldn't fuckin' be making excuses as to how I got it. The initial nurse I had days before checks the area, and makes a few pen markings on my arm. . .keeping in mind that there were no other obvious protrusions from my skin aside from the scar.

Anyway, the marks are obviously more than 10mm apart, which apparently is the limit to how big the "TB bump" can get. So they make me take a chest X-ray. I'm also VERY LATE to getting to Savanna HS, where I was expected to be for rehearsal. They give me all these papers and tell me about treatment options.

Yeah, I'm a little uneasy, and pissed. I'm not sick, I'm not coughing up blood, I don't find myself singing Moulin Rouge tunes. I shouldn't have tuberculosis. I'm going home next weekend to get checked up. Stupid UCI medical grad students. . .
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