1 week to go

Sep 08, 2005 22:42

Quite an eventful last week, and now only 1 week till I fly off to Seattle. On August 31st I managed to have a cycling crash on the way to work. I just got up, dusted myself off, and carried on, like I would when I was a kid. But it sure as hell hurt more than I remember as a kid. So the next day I decided I should go and visit my GP (doctor) to get my worst injury checked out, to my hand. It was really swollen up. Anyway, after a visit to the doc in the morning, then an x-ray in the afternoon I found out I'd broken the 1st metacarpel in my left hand. Thats the bone inside you thumb, at the base of your thumb - the one that goes from your wrist to the base of your thumb.

Unfortunately as I didn't think it was broken I'd borrowed a car from work and driven myself to the hospital, and then found myself in plaster on my hand and forearm. Try driving a manual (stickshift) car with your left arm in plaster.

I then went to the docs on Monday and got signed off work for 2 weeks, so no work till going away, which is always good. Quite tough being left handed with yout left hand in plaster and not being able to use it though. Back to the hospital Tuesday to get checked out again, talk of needing an op and it re-breaking and wiring as the bone isn't perfectly in-line. So my doc consulted with the hand specialise, who luckily said it was just fine. So today went to the hospital again to have a new cast put on, now have a fibre glass cast. So two visits to the doctors office, three visits to the hospital to see fracture specialists, and have many x-rays, and no mention of cost, or having to pay for anything - you've gotta love the nhs.

Unfortunately I'm now stuck in a cast with my wedding a little over 2 weeks away. Supposed to have it removed 21days from today, when I'll be in America. Not gonna be free there. I think it might be a "do it yourself" job the day before the wedding... I'm back to the hospital for a 4th time on Tuesday to have the cast split so I'm ok to fly. I believe this is so your arm can swell if it needs to.

So at the moment I'm stuck at home (have been for a week) on my own, only being able to eat things that require one hand, fun. Not allowed to drive, or ride my bike, so have to walk everywhere. Can't do exercise. But the weather has been great, so I lay out on the grass after lunch reading the paper. :o)
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