Jun 02, 2005 00:02
.001. ] Name: whatever you want it to be
.002. ] Gender: female
.003. ] Location: ILLINOIS
.004. ] Height: 5'3 ½
.005. ] Hair color: brown mostly
.006. ] Eye color: brown
.007. ] Is your hair long or short: medium, its a little past the awkward stage
.008. ] Tattoos you have: none that i knnow of
» S C H O O L «
.009. ] Are you still in school: techniclly, no
.010. ] Favorite subject: english
.011. ] Least favorite subject: anything science related
.012. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: buy .. this section is pretty dumb
» F A V O R I T E «
.013. ] Number: 32
.014. ] Clothing : who where's clothes now a days?!
.015. ] TV show: THE OC
.016. ] Fruit: mandarin oranges
.017. ] Movie: you've got mail, the lion king
.018. ] Scent: love spell
.019. ] Ice Cream: omg sam you like strawberry too?
020. ] Color: green
.021. ] Season: summer/winter
.022. ] Holiday: xmas
.023. ] Thing in your room: art kit
.024. ] Book: all books are good
.025. ] TV channel: CINEMAX, jk, i enjoy nick at nite
.026. ] Shape: clouds
.027. ] Time: 4:30 pm
.028. ] State: Idaho
.029. ] Boys name: Gunther
.030. ] Girls name: Evenlyn
.031. ] Disney character: Simba
.032. ] Scary movie: i dont like scary movies..
» T H I S O R T H A T «
.033. ] Hot or cold: cold
.034. ] Winter or summer: winter
.035. ] Spring or fall: spring
.036. ] Shakira or Britney: BRITNEY!!!
.037. ] MTV or VH1: vh1
.038. ] Rollarblading or skateboarding: i dunno
.039. ] Black or white: white
.040. ] Orange or red: orange
.041. ] Yellow or green: Green
.042. ] purple or pink: purple
.043. ] Cell phone or pager: cell phone
.044. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: charlie's angels
.045. ] Scooby doo or Dino: Dino
» Y E S O R N O P E«
.046. ] Are you a vegetarian: noooooooo
.047. ] Do you like cows: yessssssssss
.048. ] Are you a bitch: when need be
.049. ] Are you artistic: hopefully
.050. ] Do you write poetry: no, but ive written story things.
.051. ] Can you ski: i live in illinois
.052. ] Are you British: english? part
.053. ] Are you straight: YES!!
.054. ] Are you evil: um, no.
.055. ] Is Britney a whore: She's married, she's allowed to be one.
.056. ] Are you secretly from another planet: yeah and the one thing i choose to do is write in an lj...?
» P R I V A T E «
.060. ] Have you ever been in love: not yet
.062. ] Do you smoke: ew no
.063. ] Do you smoke weed: NO
.064. ] Crack, heroin,: NOOOOO
.065. ] Beer good or beer bad: party party...jk bad
.066. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: just stop
» T H E L A S T «
.067. ] Thing you ate: a cracker
.068. ] Thing you drank: applejuice
.069. ] Place you went: davids
.070. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: ears
.071. ] Song you heard: hide and seek
.072. ] Person you instant messaged: david/jordan
.073. ] Person you laughed with: moldy
» N O W «
.074. ] What are you eating: nothing
.075. ] What are you drinking: nothing
.076. ] Any shoes on: nope
.077. ] Hair: pony tail
.078. ] Listening to: vh1
.079. ] Talking to anyone: david, people in the house
.080. ] Last Cigarette: gross i dont smoke
.081. ] Last Alcoholic Drink: new years
.082. ] Last Car Ride: yesterday
.083. ] Last Good Cry: a couple months ago
.084. ] Last Library Book: i dont remember
.085. ] Last book bought: a biography on Leonardo da Vinci
.086. ] Last Book Read: ^ still reading
.087. ] Last Movie Seen in Theatres: ummmmmmmmmmmmm i dont remember
.088. ] Last Movie Rented: i think melody rented garden state?
.089. ] Last Cuss Word Uttered: i dont remember that either, oops..
.090. ] Last Beverage Drank: applejuice
.091. ] Last Phone Call: dad
.092. ] Last TV Show: some driven thing on vh1
.093. ] LastTime Showered: TODAY!
.094. ] Last Shoes Worn: green flats
.095. ] Last CD Played: the rocket summer, the shins, and the sounds
.096. ] Last Item Bought: ?
.097. ] Last Download: me and my brother ying yang twins
.098. ] Last Annoyance: probably someone on myspace
.099. ] Last Thing Written: BRAINWASH on the chalkboard
.100. ] Last Key Used: backspace
.101. ] Last Sleep: last night
.102. ] Last Ice Cream Eaten: 2 days ago
.103. ] Last Chair Sat In: this oneeee
.104. ] Last Webpage Visited: www.myspace.com ... YOU KNOW YOU WERE THERE TOO!
.105. ] Are you hot: im cold actually.