Title: Tegoshi's Obsession Author: Macy macymacymacy Genre: Crack Pairing: NEWS friendship, Tego x FC? Rating: G AN: -UNBETAed -inspired by Momusu's new PV! :D
ROFL....oh i loved this so cute, tegoshi so in love with skulls how is it that shige and massu dont know about the cake before thank you so much for sharing
Comments 8
this fic is as cute as tegoshi~ =P
skull headband??? NANDE YANEN!!! XDD *whacks tegonyan hard*
i thought you would pair him with tabe mikako since they're in the same dorama now :D
this is sooo cracky! XD
i haven't watched denka wanko yet. ^^;
hehe. thanks for reading!
so cute, tegoshi so in love with skulls
how is it that shige and massu dont know about the cake before
thank you so much for sharing
maybe they were too shocked to think it through? lol
you're welcome. thanks for dropping by!
I imagined Tego... (how cute *__* !!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I watched that PV ... but I had my eyes only to Sayashi and Michishige... >_____< (so pretty *O*)
(actually, I have this 'lesbianmode' disese xDD)
tego is cute whatever he does. XDD
i have a girlcrush on erinapon and sayumi! X3 haha. i guess neither boys and girls can resist such pretty faces. XD
thanks for reading! :D
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