Title: Kanagawa Prefecture
Pairing: YamaShi, UmiChii, OhgoJima
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Fluff
Rating: G-PG-13
Author: Macy
Summary: Shida Mirai is Japan's most famous movie star. Yamada Ryosuke owns a travel bookstore. What happens when this unlikely couple had a fateful encounter?
-UNBETAed, rushed
-so i decided to continue this.... a simple thing since this is just a borrowed plot. a complete rip-off. PLOT DEFINITELY NOT MINE. (for those who don't know yet, I'll say from where I got the plot at the end... it'll be a spoiler you see... :D)
-set in Spring, 2017, YamaShi is 24 years old (23 actually, since it's still spring)
-AU wherein there is no Hey! Say! JUMP... well, they're just normal people.
Chapter 1 |
As usual, Ryosuke made a detour at Chisato's. Chisato-san the owner of a nearby coffee shop. She had always been fond of Ryosuke, saying he looks just like her son who had pass away. At the same time, Chisato-san remind Ryosuke of his grandmother so it had been a routine for her to visit her every now and then.
"Chisato-san, thanks for the orange juice! I'll be going now!" He called to the old lady.
"Hai, itterashai..." Chisato-san said, smiling at Ryosuke.
Ryosuke took his unfinished orange juice and set off.
Ryosuke had started living alone since he was eighteen. He used to live in Tokyo but then he'd met Fujiko, and he'd thought of settling down. He brought his current home here in Kanagawa but just after that, Fujiko broke up with him. So now he just let Ryuu be a tenant in his flat.
Ryosuke had a little sister, also living in Kanagawa but in Isehara instead of Ayase. Their parents are living in their hometown in Kyushu.
Ryosuke turned the corner of the street and suddenly it was like the world went upside down.
Which was tue, in Ryosuke's perspective. After turning the corner he felt something soft bump to him and everything he was holding flew.
And when Ryosuke stood up it was to see that the orange juice he was holding actually flew to the lady in front of him, also sitting on the floor. A second and it registered that it was that lady he bumped into... Another second and he realized that said lady is actually Shida Mirai.
Shida Mirai... soaked with his orange juice.
Ryosuke approach Mirai.
"Here, let me help." He grabbed some paper napkins and starts to clean the orange juice off Mirai. But in his panic, he got far too near her breasts...
"What are you doing?!" Mirai exclaimed.
Ryosuke jumped back, realizing what he'd just done.
"Nothing, nothing... Look, I live just over the street, you could get cleaned up." Ryosuke said.
"No thank you. I need to get my car back." Mirai said irritably.
"I also have a phone. I'm confident that in five minutes we can have you spick and span and back on the street again... in the non-prostitute sense obviously." Ryosuke said.
In his diffident way, he was confident, despite her being genuinely annoyed. She turned and looked at him.
"Okay. So what does 'just over the street' mean? Give it to me in tatami." Mirai said.
"Eighteen tatami. That's my house there." Ryosuke said, pointing. He was very panicky and very nervous. It was Shida Mirai, for pete's sake.
She looked up at him and nodded, agreeing to go to his house.
Ryosuke was awkward and just gestured for Mirai to follow him. She did.
They both enter the house.
"Come on in. I'll just..." Ryosuke trailed off as he saw his living room. It was a mess.
Ryosuke ran in further. It really was a mess. He kicked some old shoes under the stairs, throw an unfinished pizza and hid a plate of breakfast in a cupboard.
Mirai entered the kitchen.
"It's not that tidy, I fear." Ryosuke said.
He guided her up the stairs, after taking the bag of books from her.
"The bathroom is right at the top of the stairs and there's a phone on the desk up there." Ryosuke said.
Mirai just nodded and continue to head upstairs.
Ryosuke started tidying up frantically.
After a while he heard Mirai's feet on the stairs.
She walked down, wearing a short, sparkling black top beneath her leather jacket, with her trainers still on.
Ryosuke stopped moving altogether and stared for a while, dazzled by the sight of her.
He snapped out of it and cleared his throat.
"Would you like a cup of tea before you go?"
"No thanks." Mirai said at once.
"Orange juice--" Ryosuke cut himself. "...probably not."
He moved to his very empty fridge and offers its only contents.
"Something else cold . Coke, water, some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?" Ryosuke continued saying. Still panicky.
"Really, no." Mirai said without a hint of a smile.
"Would you like something to nibble? Apricots, soaked in honey... Quite why, no one knows... because it stops them tasting of apricots, and makes them taste like honey, and if you wanted honey, you'd just buy honey, instead of apricots, but nevertheless... there we go... yours if you want them." Ryosuke said.
"No." Mirai said simply.
"Do you always say 'no' to everything?" Ryosuke asked this time.
There was a pause, and then Mirai looked at Ryosuke. Deep.
"No." She said. "...I better be going. Thanks for your help."
"You're welcome and, may I also say..." He decided then to just say all he have to say, "...heavenly."
Ryosuke was calming a bit now. He knew he had screwed up. He has always been awkward with girls and he knew for himself that he is not a smooth-talker.
"Take my one chance to say it. After you've read that terrible book, you're certainly not going to be coming back to the shop." He mumbled.
Mirai finally smiled. But still kept her cool.
"Thank you."
"Yes. Well. My pleasure." Ryosuke said, scratching the back of his head.
He guided her towards the door.
"Nice to meet you. Surreal but nice." Ryosuke said.
In a slightly awkward moment, he showed her out the door.
He closed the door and shook his head in wonder.
'Surreal but nice.' What was I thinking?!' Really, he screwed up. A once in a lifetime chance to meet THE SHIDA MIRAI and he have to be a mumbling idiot.
He shook his head again in horror and wandered back along the corridor in silence.
But then there was a knock on the door. He moved back, casually...
"Coming!" He called out.
He opened the door. For a second, his eyes widen. It was her.
"Oh hi. Forget something?" Ryosuke said.
"I forgot my bag." Mirai said.
"Oh right." Ryosuke said. He shot into the kitchen and pick up the forgotten shopping bag. Then returned at once and hands it to her.
"Here we go." Ryosuke said.
"Thanks. Well..." Mirai trailed off.
They both stood in that corridor... in that small space. A second time saying goodbye.
Ryosuke would swear he was just imagining it, but strangely, there was an odd feeling of intimacy.
Ryosuke didn't quite register what was happening but then Mirai started leaning forward and in a second she was kissing him.
It was gone as quick as it came and followed it was total silence.
A real sense of the strangeness of those lips, those famous lips on his.
Mirai stepped back. There was an awkward air aound them.
Ryosuke decided to break the tension. "I apologize for the 'surreal but nice' comment. Disaster..."
"Don't worry about it. I thought the apricot and honey business was the real lowpoint." Mirai said, casually.
Suddenly there is a clicking of a key in the lock.
"My flatmate. I'm sorry..."
Ryuu walked in not looking at the two of them. He was absorbed in his DS.
"Oh, we have a visitor? Hi..." He said still not looing.
"Hi." Mirai said.
"Hi." Ryosuke said.
Ryuu just nodded in acknowledgement, continued to walk past unsuspiciously and headed straight into the kitchen.
And leaves them in the corridor.
"Probably best not tell anyone about this." Mirai said after a while.
"Right. No one. I mean, I'll tell myself sometimes but... don't worry... I won't believe it." Ryosuke said, again in his frantic mode.
"Bye." Mirai said.
And she leaves, with just a touch of Ryosuke's hand.
Ryuu walked out the kitchen with two glasses of orange juice in hand.
"Oh, she already left?" Ryuu asked.
"Unfortunately." Ryosuke said, dazed, looking at his front door.
Thanks for reading....
Next chap I'll post maybe on Thursday... I have exam this week. ^^;
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