Title: 7 Years From Now Pairing: OhgoJima, UmiChii, YamaShi Rating: G Author: macymacymacy Genre: Fluff?, Crack? AN: -UNBETAed, random, ooc? imagination on turbo again. /whacked -based from what my and my sisters' experienced earlier. lol
AKO BA ITO O SI MAI? XD ang gulo pero yun na yun~♥
fjklsdajflsl; You're Beautiful fjdksla;fj SHOUGO!!! Yuma who? O_o? and who are their roles?! AAAAAAAAA (i know Chinen is Hwang Tae Kyung but the others...)
I need the actual wedding ♥
Mai and Machi approached the grand piano in the lobby. Umika went with them.
Machi started playing a jagged version of Star Time.
Yuto and Chinen laughed.
“Uncle Kei taught me that!” Machi said proudly.
“Yeah! Mai-chan don’t though, she likes the guitar more so she’s always with Uncle Keito.”
...if this is me this is definitely true XD and i can't deny that being with Uncle Keito is okay too~♥
I'm also undecided. Yuma and Shougo was just the first thought.... but i'm leaning on Yuma as ShinWoo and Shougo as Jeremy.... I don't really think Yuma would fit a Jeremy..... LOL /imagining.
♥ and Inoo-mama?? /whacked
I have a plot but.... okay... i'll think about it..
fjklsdajflsl; You're Beautiful fjdksla;fj SHOUGO!!! Yuma who? O_o? and who are their roles?! AAAAAAAAA (i know Chinen is Hwang Tae Kyung but the others...)
I need the actual wedding ♥
Mai and Machi approached the grand piano in the lobby. Umika went with them.
Machi started playing a jagged version of Star Time.
Yuto and Chinen laughed.
“Uncle Kei taught me that!” Machi said proudly.
“Yeah! Mai-chan don’t though, she likes the guitar more so she’s always with Uncle Keito.”
...if this is me this is definitely true XD and i can't deny that being with Uncle Keito is okay too~♥
I want Keito-ojii too~~
I'm also undecided. Yuma and Shougo was just the first thought.... but i'm leaning on Yuma as ShinWoo and Shougo as Jeremy.... I don't really think Yuma would fit a Jeremy..... LOL /imagining.
♥ and Inoo-mama?? /whacked
I have a plot but.... okay... i'll think about it..
LOL. binase ko lang sa hilig naten.. haha.
kaya yun! naiimagine ko na nga ang isang dorky Yuma LOL si Chinen pa ang hindi kjo maimagine na Hwang Tae Kyung XD
ahaha alam ko naman eh XD
okay lang... lagyan mo lang guy-liner si chii ng one pound gospel. lol
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