Title: Heaven Sent Genre: Romance, Angst Pairing: Chinen Yuri x Kawashima Umika Author: macymacymacy Rating: G AN: -AU and OOC -unbetaed -inspired by a music video. :D -dedicated to my adik kecil, urufuchinen <3
that was so cliffy! but this is getting more and more interesting, i can't wait for the next chapter! X3 a girl in his room would be awkward, right? but he was soo gentleman.. he didn't do anything bad to her ♥ sasuga, chinen ♥
for the next chapter, you don't have to give the first spot for me ate. it's... unfair? i'm always late but still i got this first spot. if it's troublesome for you, you can stop :) salamat po ♥
Comments 12
that was so cliffy! but this is getting more and more interesting, i can't wait for the next chapter! X3
a girl in his room would be awkward, right? but he was soo gentleman.. he didn't do anything bad to her ♥ sasuga, chinen ♥
for the next chapter, you don't have to give the first spot for me ate. it's... unfair? i'm always late but still i got this first spot. if it's troublesome for you, you can stop :)
salamat po ♥
chinen wouldn't!!! lol. but yeah, a girl in a boy's room in his own apartment is kinda awkward.
it's no trouble. i wrote the story for you. :3
thanks for reading!
once i saw you posted this can't help but read it... hahaha
i also wanted to be treated like that by chinen hahahaha...
so caring owww...
i envy umika but don't get me wrong i love her!!! hihihi
so the first spot is for urufu,, maybe i can get the second spot..
see you tomorrow <3 <3
haha. he is a bit ooc here... but i do think he's capable of this. xD
thanks for reading!
cant wait for the next chappie~
thanks so much!
All the time I was thinking, "they're so cute" hahaha!
and I mean the cute couple and the cute girl and the cute boy and the cute everything!
oh, a mystery!
ikr??? they're just too cute!!! and they're 4x cuter together!!! /whacked.
thank you!! :D
there really cute together...
thanks for reading!
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