Necessary updates

Nov 04, 2013 12:04

Oh, wow! YEARS since my last peep. Like I said, this is just the hub for people who find me on LJ to guide you to my fic :)

Anyway, there have been a ton of changes, like the fact that my website will no longer be updated and hasn't been in a while.

ALL of my fanfic (aside from my German stuff) is now up on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own).


Right now, as of today, there are 681 stories up there. After closing the website, a few new fandoms were added, like Grimm, Pacific Rim, Skyfall, Person of Interest and X-Men: First Class. Everything else I ever write is still hosted on arcor and will remain there by many requests, but due to the fact that they want money from me due to the increase of traffic each time I post, uploads are AO3 only!

FFNet will remain my second option for posting fic. Updates are made there as well.
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