I may have poisoned my own cat

Aug 30, 2010 23:38

I am the worst of all vet moms. My cat just ate a lily, so now she is sitting in the e-hospital post-emesis on double maintenance fluids and with activated charcoal in her belly.

I really wish I'd realized sooner that the bouquet Brian had picked up from the Farmer's market contained lilies... please keep your fingers crossed for her.


Thank you to all of you for the well wishes. Isis doesn't know she's sick, but on intake her creatinine was already 2.1 and her USG was 1.018. Just a few weeks ago I ran labwork, at which time they were 1.2 and 1.035, respectively, so I question whether she had gotten into some earlier than what I witnessed, in which case I have no idea exactly how quickly I caught it. It seems to be within the 18 hour window, but I have no good way of knowing. I am biting my nails here, although the nephrologist seems confident that she's going to be OK.
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