
Apr 11, 2010 00:21

Title: Thoughts (1/1)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Mark/Callie
Summary: Early morning thoughts.
Disclaimer: I do not own the charachters but I do own my thoughts.

Mark woke up abruptly. The dream he had dreamt had left a feeling of insecurity and he reached out to the right to see if she was there.

She was there. He moved closer to her and she shifted so that they spooned. They fit perfectly together. Her left leg a bit bent, and her straight right leg forced him to the same position, but he didn’t take notice anymore. It was their usual “falling asleep” - pose. She smelled lovely. He knew she had taken a shower just before going to bed, but it wasn’t the smell of her conditioner that cast a spell on him, it was her natural sent.

Her smell made him calm, and the sense of insecurity he had had when he woke up were long gone. He traced her stretch marks on her lower abdomen with his finger. He knew she wanted him to use his skill to minimize them, but for him it was marks of love. Their two children had given them to her and to him she was still perfection.  After ten year she was more beautiful than ever, and made him the happiest man alive.

Maybe the man he was before her would think that lying next to a naked woman without seducing her was a waste of time, but now this was home to him. Her warm skin next to his chest and under his palm didn’t always turn him on, it made him calm. Safe. There was no other place he’d rather be.

He fell asleep again. Her steady breathing soothing him to sleep.


Someone kissed her on her cheek, without opening her eyes she knew that it was Ronia. Their 5 year old daughter was more accurate than any chronometer. She moved backwards, forcing Mark to turn to “his side” of the bed and allowing Ronia to crawl in next to her. Her older brother Edgar was probably still sound asleep, and hopefully, since it was a Saturday when they all were free, Ronia would drift off for a while like she sometimes did in her mother’s arms.

Oh how she loved them all. Mark, Edgar and Ronia made her happier than she ever could have imagined one could be. It had all been worth it. Her bumpy road to happiness, with heart aches and struggles. She’d do it all over again if she had to.


Edgar woke up. He looked at his alarm clock. Eight thirty three, that meant he was allowed to wake his parents if he wanted. He shifted in bed but he wasn’t tired so he got up, and peeked into Ronia’s room and noted that she was already up. The house was quiet so she probably was in mom and dad’s bedroom.

On his way to their bedroom he passed the family picture wall. There were pictures of him and Ronia and mom and dad. There was a picture of his dad in a baseball uniform when he was a kid, and another of mom holding a ferret. He was named after that ferret. Dad’s dad had also had the name Edgar, but mom always said that she didn’t know that when she had suggested that if the baby inside her belly would be a boy, she wanted him to be named Edgar.

Ronia had simply been a Ronia dad always said. Edgar remembered the day Ronia was born. He hadn’t been more than three and a half but he remembered it. Derek had picked him up at daycare and they had eaten Chinese food and Meredith and Derek had read all the books he wanted before he had fallen asleep. When he woke up they had told him that he was a big brother and they took him to the hospital to see mom and dad and a tiny Ronia. He had been afraid of the tiny baby, but soon he was curious and wanted to hold her. Mom had told him that Ronia had a gift for him and he had got a Lego airplane. At the time he had thought that Ronia had brought it from mom’s belly, but now he knew better.

He opened the bedroom door a little. He could see the rest of his family in the big bed and paused for a while to take it in before crawling up in the middle of the bed warming his now cold feet on his father’s legs.


Mom shifted and turned around. Ronia woke up and immediately she was wide awake. She knew that mom wasn’t so she got up and round the bed to wake dad. She knew that he would wake up and get up with her if she just did it the right way. She patted his hair, kissed his nose and whispered into his air: Daddy I love you.

Dad moaned and without opening his eyes he said: Love you too honey. I’ll be up in a minute.

She knew that he would be so she went out to the kitchen and pressed the button on the coffee machine that she knew mom and dad had loaded the night before. The smell of coffee was cozy. She had once tasted coffee thinking it would taste as good as it smelled, but it had been disgusting. She would never drink coffee again in her life. How could grownups like it?

Dad came into the kitchen and scoped her up in his arms and she laughed when he kissed her cause his stubble tickled. She loved this time of the weekend-mornings when everyone, one after another, came into the kitchen and greeted her.

Edgar came and tickled her; she screamed and then came mom and hushed them and then kissed and hugged them.

Mom kissed dad and Ronia knew that this is what a family is.


A/N: This is very self-oriented. I just hope that Mallie in ten years can be what we are now. :)

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