Sunday Afternoon

Aug 15, 2004 17:26

Well, I've got a new set of icons, faming the O.C., Ryan Cabrera, and Ashlee Simpson. Fun...

School is one tough witch. I never thought Gifted World History would be so hard.... oh well. I broke the news about the Broadway trip to my Dad, and he said he'd help raise money. It's amazing he agreed. See, since my parents split, he's responsible for paying half of everything. So, I'm trying to get him to pay 400, my mom to do 200, and me do 200. I have a birthday coming up, so all that money is going straight to the bank, well maybe after I buy the Ryan Cabrera cd.. :)

I've been having to get back up at 5:30 for Seminary (Morning bible study class for all you non-mormons...). It's a pain, but then it makes me calm and happy the rest of the day. I went to church today, and feel really calm.

I joined chess club this week! It's awesome! Allison, Caroline, Jessie, and Sara went (Allison invited me), and it was awesome! I never knew chess was such a complex game. I love it now!

I've been watching the Olympics these weeks, and I decided that I'm going to be an olympian one day. I want to soo bad. Watch me, I will.

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