Lilacs, Books, and Kittens...Oh My!

May 22, 2014 09:54

Today on the way to work I saw the first of the Lilacs beginning to bloom.  Everything is delayed this year, so it is lovely to see them.  They are my very favourite flower, maybe more so because they don't bloom for very long - you have to appreciate them while they are here.

A couple links for you:

Fanfiction: Humane Society [X-men: First Class fic]

I can't really describe this story, except to say that it is beyond cute. It starts when someone gets turned into a kitten...

Book: The Goblin Emperor

I probably wouldn't have read this one, but Alice recommended it on Goodreads, and I really enjoyed it. It's a fantasy novel that goes against the current trends by having a much more optimistic outlook. It also manages to be... sort of realistic in its take on how someone like Maia might react to the events from the book. Things aren't easy for him, but he keeps on trying to do the right thing. I'm not doing it justice, just go read it! :)

books, recs, random, fanfiction

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