Three Random Things - Yet All Television Related

Jan 17, 2014 12:26

1.  If you are reading down a list and see Desperate Housewives directly above Despicable Me, and you are reading quickly, you might wind up with the impression that there is a TV show called Despicable Housewives.

And then you might picture homemakers/stay at home parents with minions.

I bet the homemaker/stay at home parent who would turn down a minion or two to help out is few and far between.

2.  This is the year of "I don't know if I like you" television shows.

I love Sleepy Hollow for the humour, for the genuine friendship between Abbie and Ichabod, and for a dozen other things.  Sadly in between those parts it's kind of too scary for me!  LOL  O

I WANT to like Agents of Shield.  I don't think I've ever tried so hard to like a show in my life.  But it's kind of boring.  I hate Ward, I'm not thrilled with Skye, I like Jemma and Fitz okay. I like Coulson, but I'm not sure his character is enough to hang a show on.  I think I like May the best, honestly.

The plots mostly leave me vaguely puzzled.  It does have occasionally moments though!

3.  I'm mad at Person Of Interest.  It's hard to articulately explain why, but I'll try.     You know that trope of the Honourable Man/the Unbribable Cop?  Well that show had one, and in the only example I can think of, that role was filled by a WOMAN.   Detective Carter.

She was a character who was shown as resoundingly competent.  She was good at her job.  People respected her.  She was a single mother who was doing a good job raising her son.   She had a love interest, rather than BEING a love interest.  She had a life, a career, and when she went along with a crazy scheme, she'd thought it through.

I'd have been angry anyway that they killed her, but the thing that drives me nuts is that right before they killed her, they retconned everything to date and had John declare his undying love and how she'd saved him.  It was a moment that rang remarkably false, given his behaviour to this point.

I liked that Carter was a respected colleague, without being someone to  "be in love/lust with".  They took that away.  I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with a female character being in a relationship on a show (I'm a Shipper!  I'm all about the relationships, and I liked her relationship with Beecher well enough), but this felt like it fell into an old, old groove.

Of course she couldn't be a respected equal with a life of her own...she's just an accessory to add to one of the main characters "mainpain."  :(

television rambling, random

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