
May 25, 2011 09:29

Reading:  Book #5 of the Greywalker Series, by Kat Richardson

Reading Online:  The Fairy's Assistant  @ Less Than Three, Silver Bullet Part 16A over at the Falls Chance Yahoo group.

Purchasing:  The Hobbit, read by Rob Inglis for Nephew The Elder (Thanks, semielliptical!)

Planning:  Another visit to the local Children's Museum.  Nephew The Younger told his sister all about his recent visit there, and now she is dead set on going.  I keep forgetting that at 2 and a half she can understand a lot more than she used to!  She climbed up on my lap and told me she was coming to my house to see the "duckies" and go to the "mezeeum".  As I am wrapped around their little fingers, I immediately agreed, with some negotiation of the time.  She said "Now!"  I suggested a weekend in June.   *grin*

Driven Up The Wall By:  A group we must work with at work to get things done on the server. Their average turnover in people is 3-6 months, and they don't document their procedures for the next person.  Which means that every 3-6 months I have to try to teach a new person how to do things I don't know how to do, on software I cannot see.  I find this challenging.

Nearly Cried Laughing Over: via mechante_fille and tsaiko  (You need to read this.  The mental image of the ending... ::insert another fit of giggles here::)

links, reading, recs, random, family

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