Jul 06, 2017 12:00
- Wed, 12:25: RT @ bbchase: I have some thoughts about why news orgs are finding that people won’t read long articles… https://t.co/G8Zh6GTA6w
- Wed, 12:25: RT @ NishaChittal: Real talk from @ SallieKrawcheck to men: "stop hitting on women and start investing in their businesses instead." https://…
- Wed, 12:25: RT @ gaileyfrey: RT to bless a TL https://t.co/UU75PvDReB
- Wed, 12:26: RT @ flauschzelle: Just found this picture on fb... I like that idea! https://t.co/lMbiYapwL1
- Wed, 12:29: RT @ SaraRamirez: Transgender Activist @ JazzJennings__ Has a Message for Straight Boys https://t.co/Du3h1cgd9P
- Wed, 12:29: RT @ StillBisexual: So apparently The Advocate put a bisexual man and his queer gf on the cover. #progress https://t.co/nJBfEHmPrj
- Wed, 12:30: RT @ Llia: Almost exactly three years later, I can say... Reader, I married him. 😎 https://t.co/4Gldzbbsw2
- Wed, 12:46: RT @ 4everNeverTrump: Area man who posts video of himself wrestling a TV station is wondering if Kim Jong-Un has anything better to do with…
- Wed, 12:47: RT @ ThatWeissGuy: Then: "In the amazing future, everyone will have access to affordable pocket computer devices" Now: "WHY DO POOR FOLKS…
- Wed, 12:47: RT @ KFILE: Need to point out again HanAssholeSolo is a middle aged man. People claiming he's 15 are wrong. Some are intentionally spreading…
- Wed, 13:30: Bizarre 'sea pickles' invade the West Coast by the millions - SFGate https://t.co/Tk2UTX2RtD
- Wed, 14:55: San Francisco’s Monument to A Racist Past Hides In Plain Sight - The Polk Street Pol https://t.co/Pj5az4Ex7a I had no idea.
- Wed, 16:25: The Suburbs: The New Face of Bay Area Homelessness | The California Report | KQED News https://t.co/miT618RCny
- Wed, 17:30: Looks like the right-wing blogs sent an army of commenters to attack Boston Public Library on fb https://t.co/YPG4pctYMA
- Wed, 18:01: CDFW Confirms Presence of Wolf Pack in Lassen County, Collars Adult Wolf | CDFW News https://t.co/gnwEPuOEzL <3 <3 #california
- Wed, 18:10: Newly-Found Asteroids and Meteoroids Could Pose Collision Threat: NASA | KQED Science https://t.co/rBJDVzQlw3
- Wed, 18:10: RT @ TPM: The CNN reporter behind the Redditor story has stated several times that the creator is a middle-aged man https://t.co/yLANGQjPPk…
- Wed, 18:10: RT @ bgreene: A little science to round out your Fourth of July. (My favorite: Fireworks that glitter, often created with antimony.) https:/…
- Wed, 18:11: RT @ AnaMardoll: Understand that a lot of TERF arguments depend on people not understanding how words work.
- Wed, 18:11: RT @ DougSaunders: The implication here is that Hobby Lobby, after winning the right to deny employees benefits on religious grounds, is now…
- Wed, 19:04: RT @ bibrarian: And you may tell yourself... This is not my beautiful cockerel mobile! https://t.co/X3uY4SUEJK
- Wed, 19:38: RT @ kaseykaseysmith: This is my child Jade Logue. She's been missing since Monday from the NY/Brooklyn area. Message me or @ donallogue plea…
- Wed, 19:39: RT @ HillaryWarnedUs: 1) She's had detailed plans since 1994. 2) She's a private citizen. 3) You're in charge. 4) You've had 8 years. Pathe…
- Wed, 19:39: RT @ Calvinn_Hobbes: Happy Bday to Bill Watterson!Im sure he never dreamed how much Calvin & Hobbes would touch the lives of so many ppl in…
- Wed, 19:41: RT @ AnaMardoll: THIS. Saying that the word "TERF" perpetuates violence against women elides the fact that TERFs themselves commit violence…
- Wed, 19:41: RT @ MatthewACherry: She was his slave, she was a child, she was rape survivor. Saying she was his mistress is super problematic. https://t.…
- Wed, 19:44: RT @ CMRanapia: What is "militant' about women and PoC asserting their expectation of fair compensation and basic decency in the workplace?…
- Wed, 19:45: RT @ BlackToLive: Alabama hate group cops found to be planting drugs and weapons on black people for almost a decade https://t.co/V1QufEGaK2
- Wed, 20:16: RT @ thehill: Maxine Waters: If Ben Carson thinks I'll give him a pass, 'I'm going to tear his ass apart' https://t.co/jHyaPbPRQN https://t.…
- Wed, 20:35: Not Far From Hollywood, This State Park Is a Scene-Stealer | The California Report | KQED News https://t.co/yoPmcZQKlX *adds to visit-list*
- Wed, 21:27: POLL: Would you let your child get the HPV vaccine? https://t.co/GksbUr2ZKH Way too many people struggle with science.
- Wed, 21:37: I miss him. https://t.co/z7YDThTJKf
- Thu, 01:00: Buns Out - Racerback Tank - WeRateDogs https://t.co/0waEYlx69T tempting
- Thu, 01:12: RT @ JakeChatty: @ AuschwitzMuseum "Man's inhumanity to man can be quite shocking" - Clay Higgins, a man using a WW2 gas chamber for politic…
- Thu, 01:13: RT @ guardianworld: Liu Xiaobo, China's most famous political prisoner, 'close to death' https://t.co/c4uRbVTmqq
- Thu, 01:17: RT @ burritojustice: I mean seriously I can put heiroglyphics and cuneiform in the same tweet the times in which we live 𒀭𒌓 𓁧 𓇳
- Thu, 01:17: RT @ marsroverdriver: I'm pretty sure I saw a movie about this. Or two. https://t.co/7WLFGpY3fs
- Thu, 01:17: RT @ burritojustice: everything you wanted to know about cuneiform, Sumerian and Akkadian but were afraid to ask https://t.co/ubI2u4hSG6
- Thu, 01:17: RT @ astroengine: Beyond Spacetime: Gravitational Waves Might Reveal Extra-Dimensions https://t.co/k96BRM4oHW https://t.co/8ZvsZ20FrB
- Thu, 01:17: RT @ beth_winegarner: My latest for @ vice: Backlogged US Courts Are Stranding Asylum Seekers in Detention https://t.co/FHeXZrmWqO
- Thu, 01:17: RT @ tveastman: Is this like, straight out of the villain's plot in Snow Crash? https://t.co/Kf1CCIQ9Uo
- Thu, 04:50: Life on the Hook | Mark Fiore: Drawn to the Bay | KQED News https://t.co/TK9ucnaoSB
- Thu, 08:50: Newly-Found Asteroids and Meteoroids Could Pose Collision Threat: NASA | KQED Science https://t.co/HcIme57Yy1
- Thu, 10:33: RT @ jzheel: This sounds like great policy-making. https://t.co/p2pb6eMeoM
- Thu, 10:33: RT @ Shelby_ville: RT if you're a feminist and you legitimately don't give a shit if this girl wanna fix her man plate https://t.co/0N7diZ5g…
- Thu, 10:35: RT @ WikiEducation: When students contribute to Wikipedia, they're writing to be read, not just to be graded. https://t.co/yTfepCZhwh
- Thu, 10:35: RT @ Bobblespeak: if you gave me pandas you would go a long way toward winning me over https://t.co/Qnqz0EtaJT
- Thu, 10:36: RT @ Oceana: #CuteAlert! Endangered Hawaiian monk seal gives birth on Waikiki beach https://t.co/xNHl8Bl7w1 https://t.co/knxCHGbrkj