Jul 04, 2017 12:00
- Mon, 12:05: One vacant block in SF’s Mission reaches back into another era » https://t.co/QqTrs0uhO8 This is amazing and delightful and a bit sad.
- Mon, 13:35: Amid Measles Outbreak, Italy Makes Childhood Vaccinations Mandatory : Parallels : NPR https://t.co/I8cR5X2Eyv
- Mon, 14:28: go go @ IronStache !! https://t.co/YonZxu3oD6
- Mon, 14:28: RT @ RheaButcher: Keep calling your senators. This would be very bad. https://t.co/qKY8oRjJN3
- Mon, 14:29: RT @ MsJayTeeRattray: This thread on how we mis-judge young people is excellent. https://t.co/rjqlYeHTw1
- Mon, 14:31: RT @ BoingBoing: US people pay more for health care, die sooner than people in other developed countries https://t.co/YHawgQCLeN https://t.c…
- Mon, 14:39: RT @ HeerJeet: 1. Trump's alliance with the National Enquirer goes well beyond threats to Morning Joe & Mika Brzezinski. Enquirer is Trump p…
- Mon, 14:40: RT @ HeerJeet: This is the center-right party in Germany. Americans are underestimating the permanent damage Trump is doing to their nationa…
- Mon, 14:41: RT @ HeerJeet: 8. Here's my larger thoughts on how tabloid culture is integral to Trump's political identity: https://t.co/6mgOt0DKxD
- Mon, 14:43: RT @ joelcarroll: For those that wonder about Cars anatomy, here's Thomas the Tank Engine's true form https://t.co/lMeK5jlrHD
- Mon, 14:53: RT @ dhume: Peak Twitter: Exchange between 19-year-old w/ one follower and former Indian foreign secretary & ambassador to China. https://t.…
- Mon, 15:15: Friendly dog photobombs every Google street view of island - SFGate https://t.co/DPsaUHFRiy (it's *helping* map the island)
- Mon, 16:30: RT @ PermianSailback: Know the signs before it's too late #FossilFriday https://t.co/1X3TQaUidv
- Mon, 16:57: The Indiana GOP asked for Affordable Care Act horror stories on facebook and things didn't go as they planned. https://t.co/BBwjtu4Kgr
- Mon, 17:05: RT @ jessphillips: I won't take interventions from people not wearing a feather boa https://t.co/rfr0KwUjCT
- Mon, 17:06: I'd love F streetcars bedecked in bunting, instead. Sadness. https://t.co/7wfGr5hBiZ
- Mon, 17:07: RT @ behindyourback: *at my funeral* Friend crying over my casket: look they're burying her in her favorite dress Me, still dead: it haaasss…
- Mon, 17:07: RT @ washingtonpost: Opinion: If this scam works as planned, Republicans could still destroy Obamacare https://t.co/oZCNTTcSz9
- Mon, 17:08: RT @ BradThor: I think I'm the only one in America not mad at #ChrisChristie https://t.co/PXPvjPUepn
- Mon, 17:10: RT @ zem42: would you be wary of being alone with a woman who had reported someone for sexual harassment? just another price they pay for sp…
- Mon, 17:15: Another July 4th Anniversary: Pathfinder's Landing On Mars : NPR https://t.co/vVEJLlJgXB
- Mon, 17:19: RT @ Lin_Manuel: I...died. And my skeleton is typing this. Tell 10 year old me it all happened even crazier than the dream. #Ham4All https:/…
- Mon, 17:22: Florida Man Accidentally Shoots Himself In Penis After Sitting On Gun | HuffPost https://t.co/AyLTINS6rm Oh @ _FloridaMan
- Mon, 17:45: RT @ AGU_Eos: New stamp released today looks like an actual eclipse https://t.co/hKXzP0hPEf
- Mon, 18:07: RT @ marsroverdriver: In honor of the upcoming eclipse, there's a US stamp that changes its (moon) image when you rest your finger on it. ht…
- Mon, 18:07: RT @ JPMajor: Our Sun. This is why we can have nice things. https://t.co/yDBStNT0Ka
- Mon, 18:07: RT @ Terrilltf: For a more just and equitable future all First Nation people must refuse modern treaties #cdnpoli #Indigenous https://t.co/b…
- Mon, 18:07: RT @ elisabeth: The racists who spit on school kids are still around. Now they attack black protestors. They berate women wearing hijab. Sam…
- Mon, 18:15: RT @ zem42: some iphones crack when you do this; half an hour in the oven at 450F should heal the cracks. https://t.co/A3zK0k8z82
- Mon, 18:17: https://t.co/yyxWaiIgWQ *buys all the books*
- Mon, 18:42: RT @ Jimpetuous: "Well son, they were the Depeche that occurred most often in a set of Depeches."
- Mon, 18:42: RT @ KarlTheFog: Another stunning summer day in San Francisco https://t.co/EHhrmNUcO8
- Mon, 18:44: RT @ NeolithicSheep: I see the non-disabled people are freaking out about microwaveable pasta this time. Do you fuckers not want us to eat?…
- Mon, 18:44: RT @ ryanestrada: I hope this isn't the worst mistake I ever made. https://t.co/BPcCFYjhCF https://t.co/TSUVygFoI9
- Mon, 18:48: RT @ mondaypunday: "I was more into Depeche Median." -hipster with a STAT degree
- Mon, 19:04: RT @ megahbite: All the trigger warnings but fuck this is a necessary piece of journalism. https://t.co/Gi2dSDYaV7
- Mon, 19:06: RT @ Lin_Manuel: Thank you! You don't HAVE to sing to enter, y'all! And congrats on your citizenship! https://t.co/LJGa69ALqX
- Mon, 19:24: same - I just checked Pratt's, omg he shoots coyotes. https://t.co/wX7CUv2E50
- Mon, 19:46: RT @ TheWeirdWorld: Teenage girls saying “I can’t even” is basically the same as old ladies saying “Well I never”.
- Mon, 19:49: RT @ ZeddRebel: The guy who made Trump's wrestling meme also made a list of all of CNN's Jewish employees for some mysterious reason https:/…
- Mon, 19:50: RT @ IanDunt: The American president wants to sneak into London in the dead of night because he's scared of protestors. https://t.co/egXseHc…
- Mon, 19:53: RT @ dangerpudding: Heroism. Thank you. https://t.co/G3QoX2eY7z
- Mon, 19:54: 4 Ways Non-Monogamy Helps Me to Feel Safer & More Comfortable in Romantic Relationships https://t.co/xdsAh1MnZ1
- Mon, 20:01: RT @ ballerinaX: Can we please outlaw fireworks now ? #SLC https://t.co/CWU9DA64oq
- Mon, 20:01: RT @ ZerlinaMaxwell: Yes, great plan. Let's consult no experts and tweet from the 9th hole about something complex that you know nothing abo…
- Mon, 20:02: RT @ lsarsour: With evidence to back it up. When perpetrator of an attack is a Muslim, 5 times more media coverage. Yup. https://t.co/qPi6so…
- Mon, 20:07: I guess I should watch this. https://t.co/62hChzWEMF
- Mon, 20:13: RT @ DearAuntCrabby: Good Bye & good riddance to Jason Chaffetz @ jasoninthehouse whose only claim to fame was the Benghazi witch hunt that s…
- Mon, 20:14: RT @ Stonekettle: He. Said. This. On. Hannity. ON HANNITY. If this guy was any more ironic, he'd be a hipster. https://t.co/mjNCy70a7d
- Mon, 20:14: RT @ Scout_Finch: Trump 'patriot' accidentally shot himself at Confederate rally by resting his flag pole on his gun https://t.co/2ThwzKWqY6…
- Mon, 20:20: This looks fascinating. https://t.co/f6NTBGOlxO
- Mon, 20:25: Emmanuel Macron assassination plot foiled by police - https://t.co/G88Vg1p8nz https://t.co/MSudxxyUJz
- Mon, 21:02: RT @ ASlavitt: Where are we with the Senate bill? Watch “Andy Slavitt on @ MSNBC with @ Ali Velshi - 7/3/17” on #Vimeo https://t.co/e30vFpHsa…
- Mon, 21:03: Why Mitch McConnell and the Republicans Can’t Fix Health Care | The New Yorker https://t.co/uZMf7aYbmS
- Mon, 21:08: RT @ emilylhauser: In which I decide to spend America's birthday with a politician I'm actually proud of, doggone it. https://t.co/Zxo7w6q3cH
- Mon, 21:09: RT @ HillaryWarnedUs: Because private citizens don't owe you a thing, asshole. https://t.co/QFogZFtY60
- Mon, 21:10: RT @ HijaDe2Madre: Stop ablewashing disability. The DIS- matters. By focusing on what makes someone "abled" just continues the stigma that d…
- Mon, 21:10: RT @ JamilSmith: Yes, all loss of life is horrible. But this nation has selective blindness when it comes to certain tragedies. That is wort…
- Tue, 01:00: Hi @ KarlTheFog ! https://t.co/C2fqLy1r2A
- Tue, 04:55: RT @ AcidEater_Fusao: Woodland Camouflage Tree 3d Suit https://t.co/WCVEK6uncX