My tweets

Jul 01, 2017 12:00

  • Fri, 12:48: RT @ AriBerman: Today GOP: Defunded fed agency protecting against vote hacking Told states to purge voter rolls Asked for voter data to s…
  • Fri, 12:49: RT @ jonlovett: We need to fight this. Curious what lawyers will say but can't imagine states have to comply with this bullshit. https://t.c…
  • Fri, 12:49: RT @ _cingraham: Wow: Trump's "Election Integrity" commission is requesting full voter rolls, including names and party affiliations, from e…
  • Fri, 12:49: RT @ mattyglesias: It's hard to explain to a child why providing health care to the poor is less important than cutting investment income ta…
  • Fri, 12:49: RT @ RepBarbaraLee: This isn’t just about Trump. We already knew he has no respect for women. It’s also about the GOP - which continues to d…
  • Fri, 12:49: RT @ OurRevolution: New @ QuinnipiacPoll: 83% of Democrats and 60% of all Americans back Medicare-for-All universal coverage. Democrats need…
  • Fri, 12:49: RT @ johnlegend: I see Melania's campaign to end cyber bullying is off to a slow start
  • Fri, 12:50: RT @ johnlegend: Why does it matter that men are involved? Is that the only reason women should get healthcare? We need more women in cong…
  • Fri, 12:50: RT @ NateSilver538: "You can't talk about people DYING from losing access to health care" might literally be the dumbest argument in the his…
  • Fri, 12:50: RT @ rolandsmartin: Hey @ realDonaldTrump! Why don't you do this? @ BarackObama had the guts to take questions from the media on healthcare. H…

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