Jun 29, 2017 12:00
- Wed, 12:01: Something You Probably Didn’t Expect From the Huge Sierra Snowpack: Earthquakes | KQED Science https://t.co/ZuJaribLbA
- Wed, 13:15: RT @ sciam: Data shows that a Muslim ban would weaken security, not strengthen it. https://t.co/vSpUMpg2KP
- Wed, 15:05: RT @ callanbentley: Speleothems encountered at Crystal Grottoes, MD today on @ nagtgeo field trip. https://t.co/uHnirWfPn1
- Wed, 15:44: In California, that's aka "safe' and "sane" -- this is gonna be one hell of a fire season. https://t.co/6Z2vYPXplU
- Wed, 16:30: USGS Education https://t.co/rPORVkhjl4 USGS Educational Videos and Animations
- Wed, 17:45: RT @ cbdawson: These are clearly giant screw heads. DO NOT UNSCREW. These screws are holding the plates down. https://t.co/yIjXgU3viL
- Wed, 20:25: 40 maps that explain the Middle East https://t.co/B3rusNCBY9
- Wed, 20:56: NRA Honors Philando Castile with Unending Moment of Silence https://t.co/9GRX4l4tJw
- Thu, 01:00: Why mammoths Became Extinct - Seeker https://t.co/pFz6lwIXii
- Thu, 05:10: This Is How We Know Earth Isn't Flat - YouTube https://t.co/vRfWA7GuJh (just sayin')