Jun 18, 2017 12:00
- Sat, 12:15: Miles of Ice Collapsing Into the Sea - The New York Times https://t.co/JXc9dBdFpl
- Sat, 13:15: RT @ LIFE: The original Irish coffee recipe Is actually from Ireland https://t.co/dACfjut8FR
- Sat, 13:17: Hawaii Considers Radical Idea to Make Life in Paradise a Little Easier - Mother Jones https://t.co/jULYC04R8Q @ EleriTMLH
- Sat, 14:22: TX governor signs bill allowing providers to deny LGBTQ youth child welfare services https://t.co/LHvkPh2mjS
- Sat, 14:33: Queer and Free on the Streets of San Francisco | KQED Arts https://t.co/Luw0l5Xawj
- Sat, 15:00: RT @ geographile: https://t.co/FFBMivsu4X omgomg
- Sat, 15:12: https://t.co/gcy4RbL9lm https://t.co/InwWNVowJA
- Sat, 15:14: They killed his dog while looking for his son. :( https://t.co/D5QfMZIV7N
- Sat, 15:20: Naomi on Twitter: ""Because I hate the Motherfucker, how's that?" https://t.co/x8uaSI1TJz" https://t.co/f1PtvtXpMe
- Sat, 15:25: https://t.co/IK3rnc6FXw "Notice how even to dwell upon this queer usage of do is to realise something odd in (cont) https://t.co/6EsGi3l4nS
- Sat, 16:25: RT @ wolfiestyle: ooʍɐ https://t.co/evs70mNpkN
- Sat, 17:06: RT @ AstronomyNow: Chief scientist on NASA’s NuSTAR space telescope shares her take on mission’s top images five years after its launch http…
- Sat, 17:06: RT @ nkjemisin: Oh. You mean white women -- the only women, apparently. https://t.co/uTaS3vJk98
- Sat, 17:06: RT @ NYEverything: I live in a country where cops can kill me & go home for dinner. But if we don't stand for the nat'l anthem it's a proble…
- Sat, 17:06: RT @ BroderickGreer: Two years ago today, a white supremacist terrorist entered Mother Emanuel AME Church and killed these nine black people…
- Sat, 17:45: Recovering Voices - Sustaining Global Linguistic Diversity | Q?rius, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History https://t.co/IQvZQzuBIL
- Sat, 17:50: Stephen Furst, Flounder in 'Animal House,' dies at 63 - ABC News https://t.co/NQOF0HwBnY Complications of diabetes. :(
- Sat, 17:51: RT @ freedarko: Steve Scalise gets to be a victim. Philando Castile doesn't. That's exactly why BLM is a thing.
- Sat, 17:58: RT @ larainenewman: Puddles Pity Party: Sad Clown Stuns Crowd with Sia's "Chandelier" - Amer... https://t.co/fPrCit9Eis via @ YouTube love t…
- Sat, 18:10: RT @ AlexJamesFitz: A Tale of Two Push Alerts https://t.co/yZGplrJ3TL
- Sat, 18:10: RT @ mariancall: GTA!!! https://t.co/39z7IUrEv9
- Sat, 18:10: RT @ burritojustice: "8% of the items were plastic bottle caps" https://t.co/NwcFCbw5Gg
- Sat, 18:10: RT @ BecketAdams: Wait, was he actually offered the job? Did we get that? Was admin involved at any point or is he saying he won’t take it *…
- Sat, 18:10: RT @ freedarko: Bear with me, been working on this one: There's nothing neutral about American racism. You get special treatment or you get…
- Sat, 18:11: RT @ freedarko: The War on Shakespeare cracks me up bc presumably he's a cornerstone of White Civilization. https://t.co/cx1EL6Db8m
- Sat, 18:11: RT @ CMRanapia: And Babylon 5 -- Furst's Vir Cotto had a great arc from comic relief naïf to a tragic figure. He made it look easy. https:/…
- Sat, 18:11: RT @ ltulch: On a day when we hear about further injustice ( #PhilandoCastile) we hear that the govt is going to turn away from uncovering in…
- Sat, 18:11: RT @ mariancall: Even if you don't have a big house -- if you're on this route and **at all** interested in a show, get in touch! I need you…
- Sat, 18:12: RT @ postsecret: https://t.co/1vQZtQThqT
- Sat, 18:13: RT @ ememess: As a tedious pedant, I'm drawn to wonder whether the biggest witch hunts in US history were in fact the actual witch hunts.
- Sat, 18:13: RT @ TheKingCenter: Extol #PhilandoCastile's virtues, but know: Even if he didn't serve children, even if he didn't love his family, he shou…
- Sat, 18:13: RT @ cyriakharris: Its MC Escher's birthday, and apparently #worldtessellationday is a thing, so here is a gif to stare at for eternity http…
- Sat, 18:13: RT @ robrousseau: 2016: fuck your feelings, Snowflake 2017: I found the latest Shakespeare in the park production quite untoward. I require…
- Sat, 18:25: Culture - YouTube https://t.co/9lug8fonTJ kids dot gov - wonder how long these will last.
- Sat, 18:31: RT @ sacbee_news: 101 degrees Saturday in Sacramento. Heat records expected to be shattered Sunday https://t.co/K0kUqa3tfE
- Sat, 18:35: RT @ Channel4News: This is the stunning and moving art of Khadija Saye. On the brink of great success, she is missing presumed dead in the G…
- Sat, 18:35: RT @ kl13c: It's ok to be queer...and an isotope geochemist. Happy pride month, isotopeteers! 🏳️🌈❤️💖💙 https://t.co/Cw5befbIoD
- Sat, 18:36: RT @ OtherBecky: So much this. The Cosby Show was integral to my childhood in a way no movie could ever be. https://t.co/ZikwsSoIG6
- Sat, 18:39: RT @ Glinner: Can you change your name so Irish people don't feel partially responsible for you? https://t.co/2OZKGBsAV4
- Sat, 18:47: 7 U.S. Sailors Missing After USS Fitzgerald's Collision With Container Ship Off Japan : The Two-Way : NPR https://t.co/eZERg37bSX
- Sat, 18:51: Qatar's Crisis With Saudi Arabia And Gulf Neighbors Has Decades-Long Roots : Parallels : NPR https://t.co/1nMCvKJQI1
- Sat, 19:02: RT @ skooks: For like a month or so https://t.co/ionmy9zolE
- Sat, 19:03: RT @ samwhiteout: That #Juneteenth is not a national holiday is a poignant reminder of just how little we've done to reckon with the history…
- Sat, 19:03: RT @ chrisleeforhi: Hawaii first state to declare everyone deserves basic financial security; begins eval of universal basic income #UBI htt…
- Sat, 19:03: RT @ aetiology: Want to understand Trump's America? Mellencamp is better than most damn think pieces. https://t.co/3Blf48akJC
- Sat, 20:30: RCW 49 - A Stellar Nursery Courtesy: NASA JPL/ Spitzer Space Telescope One of... https://t.co/O0T5DOcLm0
- Sat, 23:34: Dr Lance O'Sullivan: It was when my daughter got sick that I realised how important immunisation is https://t.co/cYgnLMYacw
- Sun, 00:07: Strength Through Unity - by Maia Kobabe https://t.co/KpiV1fnqmu (ow) (long image-dependent story)
- Sun, 00:51: RT @ mariancall: Currently looking for HOUSE CONCERT HOSTS in Austin, Dallas, Denver, Boulder, Salt Lake City, & Iowa. DM or email me! https…
- Sun, 00:56: RT @ tprstly: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://t.co/7OM3VeNMFR
- Sun, 01:02: RT @ BillinPortland: He was, quite literally, the NRA's proverbial "good guy with a gun." https://t.co/zHKiE0uCgD
- Sun, 01:02: RT @ krystalbepsi: This twitter UI update is great https://t.co/KOhzzRNTpl
- Sun, 01:02: RT @ adzebill: I love that the audience couldn't tell if people yelling during Mark Antony's “Friends, Romans, countrymen” were actors or pr…
- Sun, 01:03: RT @ KamalaHarris: It’s absurd that Trump would even consider hurting Americans by sabotaging our health care system. https://t.co/YOYW6V6H…
- Sun, 01:03: RT @ aparnapkin: Ask women again why they don't report their rapes. https://t.co/jdgM4RoQpO
- Sun, 01:03: RT @ PreetBharara: This is an extremely strong statement from Senator Feinstein, who is careful and measured. She does not lightly speak in…
- Sun, 01:03: RT @ ashleyn1cole: Casual racists become the juries that set murdering racists free. Don't abide casual racists. Challenge them. Ruin Thanks…
- Sun, 01:04: RT @ openculture: Lynda Barry’s Wonderfully Illustrated Syllabus from Her UW-Madison Class, The Unthinkable Mind https://t.co/oU0dBY17XF htt…
- Sun, 01:04: RT @ Zaron3: for a sec just imagine the Grenfell fire survivors curled up in temporary beds in Buckingham Palace with the Queen wishing them…
- Sun, 01:04: RT @ CandaceTX: We live in a world where trained cops can panic and act on impulse but untrained civilians must *remain* calm with a gun in…
- Sun, 01:05: RT @ deray: 1,155 people killed by police in 2016 13 cases where an officer was charged 0 convictions to date https://t.co/f0GwfHv6Z9 #Phi…
- Sun, 01:05: RT @ serenevannoy: Thread. <3 https://t.co/WuLFDENqP9
- Sun, 01:05: RT @ AdamKadourhe: A heartwarming thread: https://t.co/3dAlKIC0fx
- Sun, 01:08: RT @ morgantking: Told my professor I missed class yesterday bc I couldn't find childcare & this was her response. I'm literally crying. So…
- Sun, 01:15: How To Dress Joyously - https://t.co/r7H3hxclVh Working on this. Might require blog post.
- Sun, 01:30: New Invasive Plant Disease in Placer County | Auburn Journal https://t.co/dka7TH9B9W (don't hurt my beloved monkey flowers)
- Sun, 01:44: RT @ marcus_ismael: "When will NIMBYs realize their white liberal logic used in cities is the same argument used by Trump to keep immigrants…
- Sun, 01:46: How 45's Company Violated the United States Embargo Against Cuba https://t.co/tfnauKeRRr A company (cont) https://t.co/u98oX20FFT
- Sun, 01:46: RT @ AstronomyNow: NASA expected to soon decide on Dawn mission’s future: Send it to another destination, or continue exploring Ceres? https…
- Sun, 01:46: RT @ msagara: Everything about this. Everything. https://t.co/Z2qtpetCPI
- Sun, 03:22: Portugal forest fires kill 57 near Coimbra - BBC News https://t.co/KwGOA3VZ3D
- Sun, 03:40: RT @ transscribe: Daughter: *Sees girl with "I love my two moms" shirt on *Sees girl marching w/ us holding her 2 moms hands* Her: "I have…
- Sun, 03:41: RT @ ManOfGoodPosts: Millenials finally getting serious about buying houses https://t.co/OW5fOEbTGI
- Sun, 05:15: RT @ AJEnglish: Meet Indonesia's trash vigilante https://t.co/6ni2FLVto7 https://t.co/vPQjgVuUc7
- Sun, 09:01: Brood Awakening: 17-Year Cicadas Emerge 4 Years Early - Scientific American https://t.co/9tJalkloYA
- Sun, 10:30: https://t.co/mAdY42Pr4m #lifegoals
- Sun, 11:45: #sfbayarea locals, the open space council haa a gorgeous local bird guide for download, pdf https://t.co/YGvIyY1474 @ ebrpd
- Sun, 11:49: And after I downloaded it they sent me to a webpage with links to the birdsongs! https://t.co/CLIJKKW0hh Thanks @ POST_fans !