Rally the troops! S.M.S alert! ! Macross Track in a contest!:)

Feb 07, 2011 19:26

The BT/izotope StutterEdit contest voting has begun! This track was a work of much love and effort and used the latest cutting-edge digital technology available for electronic music. This track is very important to myself and my wife, who helped work on it, with whom I am celebrating my first anniversary with today. It's one of our best brainchildren. It is a big serious deal to me, as it all my music and the joy of my listeners.

Voting starts now.

Vote for "Yoko Kanno Feat. May'n & Nakajima Megumi - Lion - DJ Light 1024'th Note Remix" by DJLight.


Please share to let others know. Repost, tweet, text and blog, cut and paste, whatever it takes, but get the word out and let's get the vote! Let's show what social networking and blogging were designed for- communication, sharing and bringing people together! SHARE!!!:)

Let's show what social networking is truly capable of!

This track shall be available Feb 25th, 2011 and will be debuting and performed LIVE at AnachroCon, Atlanta, GA!

Thanks for your support.
-DJ Light (Sonny Haury) & Pixie

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