
Feb 13, 2011 20:00

Genericon was this weekend and i had a blast.I always have a blast at this con.Plus it is also local which makes it that much better.
Bad things about this weekend dealing with the con:I worked a half day on saturday morning(worked 8 to 12).This in turn made me miss a few panels i wanted to see.Plus i ended up missing my friend.She came to the con and was only there for an hour.She got sick and went home early.I literally just missed her.She left at noon and i got there at 1230.By time i found out what happened i was bummed.The con ending(yeah i know this has to happen but still bummed about it).
Good things about the con:Weather was decent enough.Picked up just about everything i wanted to get(anime..finished all but one set),great and awesome panels.Some wonderful guests(uncle yo is always hysterical) and just a great time.It is nice to let out my geek and not worry about anything at all.Good people that i know and see.
Yeah the con had to end.I am bummed it had to end but for me genericon is special.Two days that is really fun without worries.I do not have con post depression just sad now i have to wait a year to go do it again.
Post more about it later(swag and stories).
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