Dec 29, 2007 17:27
Ok people, this entry's going to be strictly for my benefit. I'm going to talk about how to strive to be great. Never give up. Never be satisfied with where you are when you first started. To believe in yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Start with a belief. Once you have something you believe in, you have something to live to see yourself through. For example, my goal is to survive. More specifically, it's to get a degree in something so I can have a more versatile career when I get through college. I don't know what i want to do, but i want a degree.
Once you have a goal and live to see yourself through that goal, that should be your guiding light in all you do. To see it through to the very end, to become greater than you were. To not pretend to be something you're not.
Now that i've established the base grounds, i'm gonna have some do's and don'ts that i followed to get to where i am today. I may not be great, but i'm feeling pretty awesome right now, and i'm willing to work hard because I believe in myself.
While you're young, get exposed to as many different types of people as you can; learn from their lifestyles, watch them as they go through the journey of life. See friends you havn't seen in years. They won't be as sad to hear from you as you might think. In fact, its probably either they'll have forgotten about you or they'll be happy to hear that you're doing ok. Join clubs, get involved in programs, ask your friends to go out places. I remember having a volleyball game back in highschool sometime. I organized it, brought guys, girls, it was a truly random group. Ever since then, i havn't ever figured out how it all worked out, much less the ability to duplicate my actions in organizing it. Be a part of your community. Help get involved at volunteer organizations. I was a part of NHS my senior year and scouts from the dawn of kindergarden through high school. Through those groups, i was exposed to many various forms of giving to others, not to yourself. Teach yourself social graces. It'll help you deal with learning how the opposite sex should treat you when you go on dates, plus teach you something about dancing, something that society doesn't seem to know how to do as much conventionally anymore. That's enough of that.
I'm getting tired of thinking about that. SO i shall talk about my events over the past 3 days. Other than talking to Desi a lot over the internet and on the phone, i've read a book, watched some episodes of anime (much fewer than usual), guarded my sister from going out alone last night, had some good ice cream, had some bad mexican food, gone on a walk with my dad before he left to go deer hunting, walked with my dog, played with my cat, feed said animals, and annoy my sister.
My sister still hasn't cleaned off her dresser for me to install that computer in her room. Because of this, i can't get the computer out of MY room, i can't put MY clothes away, cuz there's no room for the compy, and the pile's just getting bigger.
My cat wont stop jumping on my bed cuz i began to get lazy and let him stay there for a while (he likes to "mark" things as his territory) and my dog's barking up a storm, causing me to have to go downstairs once every 1.5 hours to go down and keep her from barking or letting her back out again.
I've also written many good notes to Desi about herself to make her feel better about being in CT for so long. If you read this, Des, then be sure to txt me after I leave for dinner with my mom.
I hope everyone's having a safe winter holiday. I'm going to run now! Later!