Principles of Integral Education

Mar 17, 2014 16:42

The world we live in today is global, integral. This means that all its parts are completely interdependent, and each part determines the fate of all. That's how it's been through progress. From this moment on, there is no place for strife between parts of the world, because everything that is contrary to integration is contrary to progress, evolution, the law of nature. The absolute connection of all parts of the world must be recognized by us as a fact.
The person who enters integration correctly will benefit from this. He will not only be well-mannered, he will have the necessary skills to survive. Because not the strong will survive - there will be nothing to take away from each other. Only those who adapt will survive, who will understand that integration, interconnection, mutual guarantee, concessions, connections, unification are the call of nature. And the purpose of nature is to bring humanity to the likeness of itself - to harmony and perfection.

#integral education

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