School for the Exceptionally Talented Witches and Wizards (SETWAW)

Aug 16, 2009 12:44

-although the name states the obvious, children who are accepted are never turned away according to race, blood-status or financial means. Famillies can arrance a permanent stay until the witch or wizard comes of age. for example:
          -the Orbils who are severly money depraved, but are unbelieveably intelligent, work and reside within the premises.
          -the last son of Arenot permanently lives here for his family is deeply frightened by him
-certain students come to this school before EVER attending the magickal school nearest to them. Some go to their first chosen and end up here as the first was not challenging enough. In addition to the statement above, parents who force students into this school who are not uo to par ARE given the chance to succeed but unfortunately they take twice as long to get through the entire year and usually stay past the coming of age.
-the school PROMOTES dueling and experimental spells and hexes.
          -rules concerning "experimental': no physical damage: no skin lacerations, removing of vital or ANY organs. no intentional irreversable damage, physcially or mentally.
          - the medical program is unique because of its offer as an oppurtunity to students who wish to pursue education in the medical field. by treating students for everyday accidents to spell reversal and care. Also, a course is reccommended but not mandatory for students to take. Sometimes, if the experimental hexes go wrong during dueling, the student(s) responsible will have to work on any counter-jinx, antidote or reverse spell. Which is students are warned against when they invent a spell. If a student invents a spell that could potentially cause damage, a spell reverse should be crafted before used.
-the School organizes its students by a controversial order of houses.
          -students instead of being categorized by groups or ages but by skill. the first half of their first year is determined by which level they will be placed in. 
          -when the student enters the school (at any age) a practical and "book test" is commenced that places the student into their correct level. Each level also has their preliminary tests. 
                    -side note: although students are categorized by level, their sleeping quarters are categorized by sex and age. The Girl's Dorm is on the other side of the school, imagine that!
          -obviously you advanced to the next level when you raise your skill. It is NOT necessarily a failure if you repeat a level a few times. The school is very lenient and would rather the student work at his or her own pace, and get the most out of what its students are learning. levels are also NOT calculated in years. 
                    -Levels, if a student goes through it smoothly, takes up half a semester. It could take up a full sesmter, or two full semsters. So, the students' time at school doesn't FEEL wasted if he or she doesn't advance at the end of the term. (There are three sesmtester in one of SETWAW's terms)
-Although, the school does have scheduled days off for students to take vacations.

Classes that are offered:
-History of Magickal Beings: Past, Present and Future
-International Wizardy: What Is Happening Around the World
-Introduction to Dueling: basically the traditional textbook stuff. How to be polite and such
-Dueling 2: there are advanced clsses once certain tests and evaluations are done. points are awarded for public displays. sort of like a lab but outside of class.
-Art of Potion Preparation: everything from ultra useful to life saving tp just plain silly
-Mobilzation: like Levitation but making objects come to life
-Everyday Usage: helpful spells to use around the house, and spells to put to use in common situations. "common sense" spells that sometimes people dont think about
-The Ultmate Guide to Magical Mammals and Boisterous Beasts: How to care for, identify, protect against and find. (taught by witch, and her wizard assistant ,who wrote the book)
-Allure: everything a witch or wizard needs to know to disguise him or herself. for personal gain or for serious matters
-Arboritorium: All things plants; how to find, care, avoid and extract.
-Application Against the Darkness: how to defend yourself against the dark forces by knowing its history, how it works and also a practical lab is required.
-Transmography 1: how to transform and disguise inanimate objects WITHOUT potions.
-Transmography 2: how to transform and disguise YOURSELF without potions.

this is just a list. not required but random.
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