Apr 29, 2009 16:05
i was listening to the bbc world news on npr this morning and they were in the u.s. talking to people about obama's first 100 days in office. they had a reporting in oaklahoma who first at a conservative talk show and they asked if it was a success or failure. and they just played voice after voice saying failure! then it flipped to a reporter talking to some business owners (i think she was a business owner) this woman said (paraphrased)homosexuals....that gay marriage and abortions and those blacks...the blacks are getting promoted...what is this country coming to...the blacks are putting me out of business. the reporter said "well the government didn't come to you and say you have to shut down your business because you're white." and she said well no but the blacks are getting promoted and i'm suffering racisim for being white. oh you gotta love the mid-west...and the bbc.