Shakespeare's birthday weekend

Apr 23, 2007 17:33

It was all Shakey's birthday stuff at the Globe this weekend and though I wasn't supposed to be helping (or at least just giving people breaks), I ended up doing 3 or 4 hrs, breaking people or helping children (and adults) get dressed up in cloaks and masks. It was fun but exhausting and I only went up as a punter!!

So that was Sunday! Saturday, it was the Sonnet Walk and because Mark Rylance is still in 'Boeing Boeing' and had a matinee, he didn't do the whole walk with us but it was great fun! I was at Embankment, and got totally sunburnt - I put factor 25 on so it wasn't too bad and nice to have a bit of colour this early in the year! It was about 72 deg! Scary_Rob and I worked the Westminster walk but we wished we'd done the shoreditch walk because there were some more familar faces! Liana Weafer and Alex Hassell and Hilary Tones were all there. Alex is doing Mark R's play in Chichester, playing Oxford! Colin Hurley is to be in it too. I'm going to get Mark this shirt when I got to Washington from the Folger shop:

(Oh as part of the birthday stuff, people could learn or read lines from Shakespeare and do them on the stage. Mostly from "Merchant" and "Othell"o but there were some students who did Thisbe's death and Benedick's soliquoy after his gulling scene (without scripts rather than reading), very well acted and funny and right in front of Dominic who Ijust happened to be passing ! How to engineer yourself an audition!!!)

Colin was MC'ing most of Sat and Sun and then also played Henry Fielding in Theatre of Memory's (Juliet Rylance & David Sturzaker's theatre company) at Middle Temple Hall. I love that place, it is quite simply glorious! The entertainment was to celebrate Fielding's 300th Birthday - Did you know that in between wrting Tom Jones, he was also the founder of the Bow Street Runners (the first British police force)? Nope neither did I!

So continue to go backwards, Friday! And guess wot, I saw Spamalot again! This was originally going to be my second and last visit, booked with friends as Christmas pressies, but it was such fun, I might go again! I don't know what the Spamalot company was on but it seemed to be "let's make Simon Russell Bealer corpse" night - and they did - he had to stop three times, especially with the Wooden Rabbit, the French Taunter and at one point, he lost it so badly that all the others did too! - Marvellous! Tonight I'm going down to Trafalger square to watch (and maybe join in) the mass "coconut shell orchestra" rendition of Always look on the Bright side" which they are doing to celebrate St George's day (and hopefully to get into the Guinness book of records!)"
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