This is for all those seniors graduating this year, whether I know you or not, or whether you're from Highland or not. And maybe those future seniors might get something out of this as well.
Many of you are probably scared, nervous, excited, or a combination of all or some of those. I know how the transition from high school to college goes, and I bet some of you are thinking about your friends and keeping in touch, about all the good times you've had or wanted to have. And probably a combination of so many other feelings.
Don't worry about it all, the friends you really want to keep in touch with, you naturally will. It will be a strange feeling, being separated, but look at the scores of people before you, my class, the class before mine, and the one before that, they've all made it, and grown from it all. It's all a growing experience, you keep in touch with those friends that have more than just left their foot prints in your sand, and you make entirely new ones, expanding both your friends but also yourself.
This is a time for growth, but it's okay to get nostalgic, and to cherish what you have right now. As of next week, your life is going to take a drastic change, nothing will seem the same anymore. When you go back to Highland, even the week after, you will feel different. Sure there'll be the same kids walking around, the same teachers teaching, but there will also be 350 of those people missing, and you too will be different, you'll be a graduate. You may not feel any different, but you'll notice the differences around you.
Whatever you do though, don't hold on to the past, remember it, look back upon it, share the memories with friends, but don't hold on, don't hold yourself back. A chapter of your life is finally coming to a close, all the hard work you've done for the last four years (Charlie, for you a lack there of
) and the accomplishments you've made, but not just those, the people you've met and become so comfortable with. That's all done with. You knew as a freshman that you only had 4 years there, and the first two probably dragged on forever and you didn't make the best of it all, but then junior year came and you realized it was half over, you worked hard, you played hard, and you got through it. Now senior year has come and gone, and if you've done like many before you, you went all out and tried to have the best year of your life, and hopefully you were successful.
And now, it's time for that next chapter to begin. So many of you going off to college, some far away, some close too home, but everyone is spreading out, and a new adventure is beginning. Just hold on for the ride and keep moving forward, and the best years of your life should be ahead of you. If you thought high school was great, wait till college. I won't really share how or what you should really do, that's part of the adventure. Just jump right in and be yourself, and you'll figure it all out.
Now that I've gone on forever, I'll end here. I didn't quite know how far I was going to go with this.