Jul 12, 2006 00:47

If anyone still reads my livejournal, cheers.

As of late I haven't really had much news that was worthy of posting, which is why I guess i've kinda been away from this. I still do read it though when I can.

I've took the descision to pretty much stop posting on here alltogether now*, Instead i'll be using my MySpace blog to post up photos or whatever.

If anyone who reads this isn't on my myspace friendslist, feel free to add me.

Once you've done that and I've accepted you, you can either keep an eye out for my bulletin posts or subscribe to my blog so you'll know when I've made an update, and you wont have to scroll through tens of bulletins from other people to find mine.

As I say, i'll still be reading here so please dont deleate me from your friends list (unless you really want to) - I just dont see the point in posting the same things here as which get posted on MySpace.

It's the futre.

*I may change my mind, I am weak.
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