Nov 22, 2004 18:24
GRRRRRRRR AHHHHHH!!! god Damn my parents. My mom wants to get a fake christmas tree but my dad said no fake trees and now my mom doesnt want a christmas tree. This is just like last year! i didnt have any tree last year! :( this is very depressing, it almost ruins christmas. BAH!
well in other news school wasnt bad today, math was fun we drew on big graph paper :p, english and spanish were boring, as was my study cause i didnt have any work to do, and History was fun as usual, we watched school house rock!!
Also today was the first day of captian's practice for winter track! im pumped i cant wait to go back to the reggie, and burn kids in the 300. Today i ran short cumbies, a little over a mile, with butera and tony and i felt really good, for having taken 2 weeks off. Im glad i did cross country, it really improved my endurance. Yes well we have a half day wensday, and thursday and friday off and thursday is thanksgiving, this shall be a good week except that i am going to maine friday, oh well its been a while so i guess im due to go. 6 days till winter Track offically starts :).