Interview by Bee!

Feb 15, 2007 15:08

1) Who gives you the best back scratches ever?

umm, duh, you...err, I mean Bethany.

2) If you could pick seven bands to play in your dream concert, who would they be?

hmmm ....
Pretty Girls Make Graves, Billy Joel, Dixie Chicks, the Gossip!, Nelly Furtado, Mirah, and Coheed.

3) How much would someone have to pay you to shave your head?

SO MUCH MONEY. I love my hair, every single hair on my head. SO, like one million dollars.

4) Have you ever daydreamed about what you would name your kids if you had any? If so, what names have you considered?

mmmmhmmmm. I really like the name Kade (for a boy).

5) If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be?

for food .... Whole Foods (if I was rich)
for clothes ... oooh that's tough but Urban Outfitters

and P.S. This totally made my smile at my desk at the paper ----> "I SAW YOU TODAY IN YOUR CLASS! DAVE GRACE WAS TALKING AND THAT WAS BAD BUT YOU WERE REALLY PRETTY <3"

Bestest friends!
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