Jul 23, 2004 23:10
Lol. I hear a Bull Frog just outside of my back door, I saw a green tree frong earlier. Those things are so adorable, I love holding them. ^_^ I found one before on the inside of my house, lol. He was stuck to my door. XD
Anyway, I worked today from 9am-5pm. Well, actually 3:15pm, they let me off work an hour and 45 minutes early! Oh yay! Both tomorrow and Sunday I got from 8am-3pm. They were going to make it 4, but they changed it. On which I am glad, I can enjoy my afternoons a little bit more.
Ms. Hazal, the old lady my mom takes care of during the week, had an accident a few days ago. Me and mom went to go see Ms. Hazal today at the Hospital. When we got there, she was asleep thanks to some of the pain killers the doctors gave her. I feel so sorry for her, she cannot live on her own like she wants to anymore, and that Damn Daughter of hers has her check book..I don't trust her daughter Pam..the only reason she goes to see her mother is when she wants her money. Pam wants complete control of Ms. Hazal's assets..on which I don't approve because I KNOW Pam will Swander every single cent of it! Luckily, Her Brother has to make that decision along with her, and he doesn't like her that much to begin with, so I doubt she'll be able to do that.
It's a shame though..the only reason she wants her mother alive is for her Money. I think of Ms. Hazal as a Grandmother; me and her both pick on mom alot when we're together, and it's rather amusing. Pam is going to be sorry when her mother passes away, real sorry. But let Pam suffer..she should have taken the opptortunity when she had it..-.-;;
Anyway, I'm waiting on my honey to arrive, I hope she comes on soon..x_x; I gotta go soon because I need some sleep for work. Take care! :D
PS: Sorry for lack of commenting on your Journals! @.@