Nov 04, 2012 21:08
I am back from vacation and trying to get back into the regular swing of things. NC was gorgeous and Cai was a fantastic hostess.
I'm glad that I did not spend a lot of money there, however. Today I let my mom drive my car because her tire on her car looked low. We get back from running errands and my dad asked why we took my car. I explained that her tire was low and he was like 'well your tire looks low too.' And low and back tire had a flat for the 2nd time in a month.
So we try fix a flat on dice. Then my dad takes it off and puts the donut on. Tomorrow for my lunch hour I get to take the tire to see if its salvageable. It looks like it has a gash about 2 or 3 inches long on the tread. Joy.
On the plus side I did get a new microwave. I'll have to get used to not slamming the door a few times and then holding the door to make sure the microwave stays microwaving.