Mini Rasberries

Oct 07, 2008 13:52

Mac has discovered how to blow raseberries! It is the so cute! She blows spit all over the place, but cute none the less. Her little tongue peaks slightly out of her mouth and she blows and it makes the cutest little "farting" sound. She of course thinks it's funny and does it over and over  again.  Her face is soaked with drool and she has a twinkle in her eye that is just about one of the most adorable things I have seen yet! She has me wrapped around her little finger for sure. I am in such awe of her. I still can't believe she is here or that she is my baby. At odd moments, like last night while giving her rice cereal, I will realize that she's mine and no one is going to come and take her away. And, recently I have noticed that she will look for me for reasurance when she is with someone else. She seeks me out and I smile at her and gives a big grin right back. I didn't know it was possible to love one person so much.
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